Overcoming Gloom

Overcoming Gloom
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


Mirjana Soldo is one of the six visionaries who from 1981 to the present the Mother of God is reported to have appeared in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina.

Archbishop Henryk Hoser stated: The commission established by Pope Benedict XVI to study the alleged apparitions of Mary at Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, voted overwhelmingly to recognize as real and supernatural the first seven apparitions…

The Vatican has officially authorized public pilgrimage to Medjugorje and turned the parish church of St. James in Medjugorje into a pontifical shrine under the oversight of the Vatican.

Mirjana has received 10 secrets concerning world events. Since she knows what is going to happen, and we do not, she is in a better position to tell us how to prepare. Her instruction is a great help to fight the anxiety that seeks to overwhelm us currently.

Mirjana tells us: The Blessed Mother did not entrust me with secrets for the purpose of causing fear. When you come to know Heaven, you learn to accept the will of God with all your heart. The only thing we need to fear is sin, which distances us from God. Fear of the future, and fear of the secrets, wastes our limited time on Earth. Your future could end today. We should cherish life while it lasts. So, when Our Lady told us that Međugorje would be the fulfillment of Fátima and that her heart would triumph, it was a message of hope, not gloom. She was reminding us that when we walk with her, we have nothing to worry about. At Medjugorje Mary came as the Queen of Peace. If we walk with her, she will bring peace.


Mirjana continues: But even now, people often ask me how they should prepare for the time of the secrets. Should they stock their basements with food? Move to the countryside and live off the land? Buy a weapon to protect themselves? I tell them, “Yes, you should get a weapon, and you should use it often.” I show them my rosary. “This is the only weapon you’ll ever need. But it only works if you use it.”

In one of her earliest messages, Our Lady told us, “Prayer and fasting can stop wars and change the laws of nature.” She was not speaking figuratively; prayer is more effective at creating change than anything we can do alone. The rosary is an especially powerful prayer.

So, should you prepare for the future? Yes. Prepare by making sure your soul is always ready to stand in front of God—not by building bunkers and stockpiling supplies. No one can live in this world forever. We should focus on what comes next. I have experienced Heaven, and I can attest that there is no place on Earth—no mountain range, tropical island or seventh wonder—that compares to what awaits those who choose light over darkness.


Our Lady has started a great movement through these apparitions… Many people throughout the world have answered her call by establishing prayer groups, spreading the messages, and living as examples of those who know God’s love. Our Lady cannot triumph without us, and we cannot triumph without her. “Help me,” she says. “Set out with me.” And on January 2, 2014, she said, “Dear children, for you to be able to be my apostles and to be able to help all those who are in darkness to come to know the light of the love of my Son, you must have pure and humble hearts.”

She has confidence in us and repeatedly asks us to join her. “I am calling you to be my apostles of light who will spread love and mercy through the world,” she said.

Through prayer and fasting, she says, we can be her “river of love” flowing out into the world, and she urges us to comprehend that we don’t have to be perfect to work for Heaven, saying, “Do not waste time thinking about whether you are worthy to be my apostles.”

Do you understand that she’s talking to you? Whatever you do during your short “blink” on Earth will affect you for all eternity. If you had to spend a relatively short amount of time doing something difficult to guarantee yourself everlasting joy, wouldn’t you do it? But Our Lady wants us to strive for more than that. She calls us to join the fight here on Earth by helping our brothers and sisters come to know God’s love.


“As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and destroy it,” she said on August 2, 2011. “But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world.”

I cannot divulge much more about the secrets, but I can say this—Our Lady is planning to change the world. She did not come to announce our destruction; she came to save us, and with her Son, she will triumph over evil.

Our Lady told me many things that I cannot yet reveal. For now, I can only hint at what our future holds, but I do see indications that the events are already in motion. Things are slowly starting to develop. As Our Lady says, look at the signs of the times, and pray.

I can compare it to spring cleaning. If I want my home to be spotless, I know that I have to first turn everything upside down. I move the sofa, I stack the chairs on the table, I open all the cupboards—nothing remains in its place. My home is thrown into chaos and disorder. It’s unrecognizable to my children and the peace is gone. But then I clean under everything. I wipe away all the grime. I put every piece of furniture back to its rightful place. In the end, my home is more immaculate than ever. This is how I see all the confusion in the world today. This is how I see Our Lady’s apparitions and God’s plan. A truly clean house starts with a big mess. Will you be like most children who stand back while Mom cleans, or will you not be afraid to get your hands dirty and help her? Like Our Lady said in one of her messages, “I desire that, through love, our hearts may triumph together.” May the triumph of her heart begin with you.

Soldo, Mirjana. My Heart Will Triumph


At Fatima Our Lady promised the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart and the Era of Peace. She said Medjugorje is the completion of Fatima. I am excited for this time. I want to experience the Triumph of her Heart. I want to help Her bring it about. Soon.

Here is what she has called us to:

A.  Make sure your soul is ready to stand before God by a good confession and a change of life.

B.  Prayer and fasting can stop wars and change the laws of nature. Pray the Rosary every day.

C. Place your hope in heaven – not in this world.

D. Remember God is your Father; He will provide all you need.

E.  Join the fight here on earth by helping your bothers and sisters to encounter Jesus through friendship, good conversation and the Rosary


Apparition of Our Lady of Light

