Apparition of Our Lady of Light

Apparition of Our Lady of Light
Dr. Mike Scherschligt

Zeitoun Egypt and the Apparition of Our Lady of Light  

In 1924 Kahlil Abraham was about to build a hotel in Zeitoun Egypt where more than 1900 years earlier the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived during the Herodian Persecution. One night as he slept Abraham was visited in a dream by the Virgin Mary. Build a church in my name she said and a miracle will take place in the future. He did just that. Then from April 2, 1968 to May 29, 1971, the miracle took place.  Two Muslim garage attendants noticed a woman on the top of the Church of St. Mary and thought she was about to commit suicide. One of the attendants, Farouk Mohammed Atwa, yelled up to her “Lady, don’t jump!” Soon, a crowd had gathered and the Christians realized this was no ordinary woman but the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The apparitions continued unabated, with Mary appearing for a few nights each week for the next three years. People from all around began to come to St. Mary’s in Zeitoun to see the miraculous apparitions. The crowds grew larger and larger. By some accounts, 250,000 at the highpoint would come nightly to watch for Mary appearing from Heaven. Before the apparition ended three years later, millions had seen it.

Our Lady appeared a dazzling crown on her head with a halo of bright light. Sometimes the witnesses saw her with the infant Jesus, or sometimes with the twelve-year old Jesus, and other times, with St. Joseph. Still other times, she was seen carrying a cross, or an olive branch - a symbol of peace.

Genocide Averted

The Blessed Virgin Mary was witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people, including Coptic, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, and even secular Marxists, like the former Egyptian President Abdel Nasser. A mass genocide was planned for that time, to exterminate the Christians in Egypt. Red crosses were painted on the doors of their houses to mark them. But when President Nasser saw the apparition he put a stop the genocide and protected the Christians.

One Coptic priest noted that, “there were rays [of light] coming down from her hands,” like depicted in the miraculous medal. The apparitions were captured on film and video and can be seen today on You Tube.

A Silent Witness

Despite the length of the apparitions and the number of witnesses, the Blessed Virgin did not speak or deliver any verbal messages. She maintained an attitude of prayer bowing towards the cross and blessing the people. She acknowledged the people’s presence by smiling at the crowd and blessing them with her hands.

Our Lady spoke at Fatima where she made clear what she wanted from us. Then she falls silent to get our attention – to make us stop and think. She appeared and remained silent and everyone on the streets literally stopped, looked up and reflected.

The fact that the Blessed Virgin appeared for three years to more than 1 million people, Christians, Muslims, Jews and secular atheists, and the footage was captured on film and video, many miraculous cures were reported – this should make us stop and think – why did she appear? What does she want from us?

Then we must think back to the last thing she said – at Fatima. Do I know what she said? Am I doing what she asked? This moment of silence in the conversation with Our Lady is a time to stop, think and reflect.

Is something wrong?

If someone important and unexpected shows up and stands there silent it is natural to wonder: what is wrong? We begin to look around to see what is wrong in the world and finally what might be wrong in us. Silence leads to an examination of the world and of ourselves. Our Lady wants us to reflect on our lives, to do a deep fearless and honest examination of our conscience. To admit our sin and to go to her Son in the Sacrament of Reconciliation to be healed and transformed. We all need to do a searching fearless, and honest examination and a thorough confession at this moment in world history.

Silence can also communicate something very good

The Coptic Bishop Marcos said when Mary looked at the crowd, it seemed as though “she concentrated her eyes on each person.” Despite the number of people, it felt personal and individual. One witness, American Pearl Zaki, described being there, “I think each person present felt drawn completely to her.”

The fact that Mary came to the people, looked intently into their eyes and souls, smiled at them, blessed them, seemed to shower grace upon them communicated to them her love for them as their spiritual mother. Her presence in connection with Christ, communicated the presence and the love of God, that we are not alone, that we are loved. And her silent presence was an invitation to seek a relationship with this beautiful women who evoked such peace in our heart. The silent witness was an invitation to a relationship. Do you desire a deeper relationship with this woman and her Son?


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