
God prepared the foundation of the Catholic Mass more than 1000 years before Jesus instituted it. In The Old Testament there was an important sacrifice called the Toda sacrifice. Toda is the Hebrew word for thanks. The toda or thanksgiving sacrifice presupposed a specific situation. If a person was saved from death, he would gather his family and friends and celebrates being saved by God by offering a sacrifice of thanksgiving which marks a new start to his life. 

The Key elements of a toda sacrifice were: a lamb that was sacrificed, Psalms of thanksgiving that were read or sung, wine and consecrated bread, the bread of toda, the bread of thanksgiving.

An Ancient saying of the Rabbis recorded in the Mishnah says: When the Messiah comes, all sacrifice will cease except for the Toda sacrifice. All hymns will cease except for the hymns of thanksgiving. And when the Rabbis translated the Hebrew word toda to Greek the word chosen was eucharist. Eucharist means a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God.

At the Last Supper, Jesus transformed the Jewish sacrifice of todah into the Mass.

In the Mass, Jesus is the Priest that offers the sacrifice and He is the Lamb that is sacrificed, he consecrates the bread and wine, turning them into His own body and blood, and the toda psalms are sung 114-118.

Jesus makes his toda sacrifice, his sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father present in every Mass so that we can join in. Jesus is giving us a way to offer an infinite and perfect act of thanksgiving to God by joining ours to his.

Now your sacrifice of thanksgiving, of toda can be joined to Jesus and take on a new value – Infinite Value

That is why the Mass is the greatest way to thank God for all he has and is and will do for you!


Assimilating Holy Communion


Insight to the Mass