Insight to the Mass

The greatest event in the history of the world is the Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

By this event - called the Paschal Mystery

·       He saved us from sin, death and the power of the devil

·       He began the recreation of the world.

The Paschal Mystery means

·       All the saving events that took place from

·       Holy Thursday when Jesus celebrated the Last Supper

·       His suffering and death on Good Friday

·       His descent to the dead on Holy Saturday

·       His glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday

·       And His Ascension into Heaven

In the Mass

·       The Holy Spirit makes those saving events from the life of Jesus present – Not in our memory, not figuratively, not in our imagination…

·       But Truly Present

The CCC (1370) teaches: In the Eucharist the Church is as it were at the foot of the cross with Mary, united with the offering and intercession of Christ.

In the Mass we are at Calvary – united to the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross

The Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus are made present in the Mass

·       So that His Victory over Satan, Sin and Death

·       may continue in us and in the world.




St. Kateri Tekakwitha