Assimilating Holy Communion

I am going to offer four steps that we can begin to take immediately that, when practiced, will begin to open our souls so that the Lord may enter there with greater power and depth at each and every subsequent Holy communion. First, pay close attention to the readings during the Liturgy of the Word. If possible, meditate on these readings before going to Mass. Let the sacred word seep deep in your soul. Second, practice Daily meditation, whether through our rosary or some other form, or both. Listen to God’s word, reflect on it, which is what we do during the vocal prayer of the Our Father and Hail Mary’s, and follow it up with a concrete resolution. Third, stay after Mass after having received Holy Communion and pray for five minutes, thanking Jesus for having chosen you and this moment to enter into you. Ponder His goodness and His love for you, and ask Him to help you live a life of gratitude and service to your neighbor. Finally, find some time during the week to adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament. When we do these things, I promise, if we patiently persevere through the temptations to get off track, we will find the power of heaven at our disposal.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation

