Second Mentoring Session



  1. Greet your mentee with warmth, hospitality, and attentiveness.

  2. Begin session in prayer (i.e. a decade of the Rosary, a prayer to Holy Spirit, etc.)


  1. Ask how they are doing in general.   

  2. Ask them about how meditation went for them, what were some difficulties, obstacles, temptations, thoughts, etc. At this point, it might be good to do a short version of meditation with them that you have prepared beforehand.

  3. Ask them about the experience of meditating with you and address their concerns and issues.

  4. Encourage them to try again for the next month and to not get discouraged.

  5. Ask them to share their “salvation history” with you, freely and without feeling rushed. Let them know that you both can continue this story the next time if they so care to do it. (Note: For this practicum, the practice mentee should choose just a portion of his/her salvation history since the time is limited. We want the practice mentor to have time to get to the discussion suggestions below.)

  6. Discuss some thoughts you might have had about their story if there is time.

  7. Summarize how the session went; what went on, how they or you may have seen God working in this time and in their lives and remind them that their “homework” is to keep trying to do their meditation every day.

  8. If they are open to the idea, you might suggest they have a journal to document thoughts that come to them in prayer, inspirations, things they received in their mentoring sessions, etc. It would be ideal if they brought it to the sessions.



  1. Close with prayer.

  2. Set up next mentoring session date and time!   

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First Mentoring Session


The Art of Attention & Curiosity