First Mentoring Session



Note: Keep in mind that it will take several visits for the mentee to know the mentor enough to establish some trust. On the other hand, it will take several visits for the mentor to have an idea who their mentee is. Introducing them to the idea of daily meditation and having them understand the need for scheduled prayer might be good enough for a first visit.

Overall, take your time. Everything does not have to be accomplished in the first visit, or first couple of visits. The first stage of mentoring is about getting to know mentees, the mentees learning, mentors teaching, accompaniment in the process with all its newness and struggles, keeping an eye on the rewards of becoming more holy, etc.



  1. Greet your mentee with warmth, hospitality, and attentiveness.

  2. Begin session in prayer (i.e., a decade of the rosary, a prayer to Holy Spirit, etc.)



  1. Ask how they contacted you and heard about mentoring.

  2. Ask what they hope to gain, accomplish, and receive from mentoring.

  3. Ask what mentoring is or what they think it is.

  4. Explain to them what it is, so that you tweak anything they wrongly thought it was. It helps to say mention that the mentoring session is not just any appointment. It is actually prayer! Why? Because Jesus said, “Whenever 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I am in their midst.” No doubt when a mentor and mentee get together, they are gathering in His name; therefore, it is prayer.

  5. Outline what the goals are of mentoring, i.e., helping them grow in holiness, grow in their relationship with Jesus, their love of themselves and others, etc.

  6. Ask if they have questions or concerns about what was said thus far.

  7. Ask them about what their prayer life is, right now (not what they wish it was).

  8. Talk to them and encourage them to be more intentional and deliberate about having a regular prayer life, even if a very simple one.

  9. At this point introduce daily meditation, telling them that it is taught to children, so it really is doable and is for everyone. 

  10. Explain simply about the 3 R’s. If there is time, maybe even walk them through a shortened version of it. (Keep in mind that it might be good to do a shortened version every time you get together for the next few months.)

  11. Encourage them to give it a try, reminding them it will take time to build the habit, but not to get discouraged if it doesn’t come easily; distractions will come & temptations to not do it. 

  12. Maybe suggest they begin with 15 minutes a day. (In the next sessions you might talk to them about finding the right time that works for them to do meditation consistently.)

  13. Let them know that normally you want to hear them speak more than yourself, even though, in these first meetings as mentor you might be speaking more than usual.

  14. Maybe suggest that they prepare their “salvation history” (their human and supernatural story) for the next meeting.



  1. Close with a prayer. Maybe the Collect prayer (opening prayer of the Mass of the day).

  2. Set up next appointment date!

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Objectives and Expectations


Second Mentoring Session