Objectives and Expectations

Objectives for Spiritual Mentee

  • Complete honesty in sharing myself (spiritual goals, struggles, moral lapses, prayer difficulties, doctrinal difficulties and confusions, etc.) with my mentor.

  • Full commitment to following through with all resolutions that spring from my meeting with my mentor.

  • A willing heart to grow in holiness, and a firm belief that sanctity is for me.

  • A firm commitment to grow in detachment from sins, disordered attachments, bad habits, etc. as well as a firm commitment to grow in practices outlines in my Rule of Life which show me how to become a saint.

  • A firm commitment to pray regularly and frequently for my Spiritual Mentor.

  • Prayerfully review the month and reflect on any spiritual homework that I received from last meeting, as well as anything that the Lord has put on my heart to discuss.


Objectives for Spiritual Mentor

  • Maintain your personal journey of mentorship or direction (remember you cannot give what you do not receive!)

  • Pray regularly for your mentee/s.

  • Listen to and strive to understand my mentee with empathy.

  • Offer mentee the principles of the Spiritual Life, i.e., daily meditation and spiritual reading; daily Mass, if possible; frequent confession.

  • Help mentee remove spiritual obstacles.

  • Hold mentee accountable.

  • Help mentee create a Rule of Life; remind mentee of our resolutions and of goals contained in the Rule of Life.

  • Encourage mentee so that he/she will not give up.

  • Offer some spiritual homework to Mentee such as: keep track of how often or how long you are meditating daily, specific virtues to work on, other spiritual habits to incorporate, etc. and then write them down for discussion purposes during the next meeting.

  • Discern any further step to suggest to him/her.

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The Examen Prayer


First Mentoring Session