The Transfiguration

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The Transfiguration

Today's Gospel recounts the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Mountains play a significant role in salvation history. God made His covenant with Israel on Mount Sinai, and Elijah triumphed over the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Likewise, mountains are central in the life of Jesus, from the Mount of Temptation to the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus chose the summit of Mount Tabor to reveal His divinity to Peter, James, and John, just as God revealed Himself to Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:9-11).

Another reason for this location is its strategic vantage point. Mount Tabor overlooks the Valley of Armageddon, a historically significant crossroads where many of the world's greatest battles have taken place. The region of Israel or Palestine serves as a land bridge connecting Europe, Asia, and Africa. Any empire seeking dominance over these continents had to secure control of this vital passage, specifically the Jezreel Valley in Israel, also known as the Valley of Armageddon, where some of history’s most decisive conflicts have been fought.

Jesus brought His disciples there to prepare them for the ultimate battle, not a military conflict, but His Passion, Death, and Resurrection on the Mount of Olives and Mount Calvary, where He would conquer Satan and sin.


The Book of Revelation as Context

The Book of Revelation sheds light on the meaning of the Transfiguration. It is not primarily about a final-world battle with earthly armies but rather Christ’s definitive victory over Satan, sin, and death, a victory made present in the Mass and the Sacraments.

Revelation 12 presents the cosmic struggle between Jesus and Satan. Chapter 14 introduces the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, setting the stage for this battle. In Chapter 16, we see a parallel between King Josiah, Israel’s last righteous king, and Jesus, the true King of the Universe.

Josiah, in his early thirties, cleansed the Temple, celebrated a new Passover, and was then mortally wounded in battle at Armageddon, pierced by archers. Jesus, likewise, in His early thirties, cleansed the Temple, instituted the New Passover at the Last Supper, and was pierced by a soldier’s spear on the Cross, striking the ultimate blow to defeat Satan.


A Fountain of Grace

The Book of Revelation continues this parallel. In Chapter 16, an angel proclaims, “It is done!”—echoing Christ’s final words on the Cross, “It is finished.” Immediately, an earthquake follows, just as one occurred at Christ’s death.

John then describes how a soldier pierced Jesus' heart, bringing forth blood and water, fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 12:10, "They will look on him whom they have pierced and mourn for him as one mourns for an only child." Zechariah also foretells (13:1), "On that day, a fountain shall be opened… to cleanse them from sin and impurity."

This fountain, the blood and water flowing from Christ’s Sacred Heart as He hung upon the Cross, signifies the outpouring of divine life, the grace that flows from His Heart into ours through Baptism and the Eucharist. These sacraments are the means by which we are drawn into His victory, sharing in His triumph over sin and death.


The True Meaning of Armageddon

Armageddon is not primarily a future battle at the end of time but the decisive battle of Calvary, where Jesus, the Lamb, triumphed over Satan, the great red Dragon. As St. Paul affirms in Colossians 2:15, Christ disarmed the powers of darkness and triumphed over them.

Yet this victory is not confined to the past. It is made present in the Mass and the Sacraments. Each time we receive them, we are drawn into Christ’s triumph over Satan, sin, and death.

This is the astounding reality of the Mass: though we continually fall and suffer defeat through sin, Christ makes His victory over Satan present again and again in the Eucharist. In this way, He does not merely offer us a remembrance of His triumph but actively extends it into our lives, overcoming the enemy within us anew.


Participation in Christ's Victory

Though Satan has been defeated, he still wages war against us. Jesus calls him a liar, an accuser, and a murderer, a roaring lion seeking to devour souls. Yet we are not meant to face him alone. Christ’s victory is not a distant event but a living reality, made present in the Mass and the Sacraments.

In Baptism, Jesus comes to live in our soul. In Reconciliation, His mercy heals us. In the Eucharist, He strengthens us with His very life. Through these sacraments, His triumph remains active in us, overcoming the power of sin.

Do not fight on your own. Let Christ fight for you. Go to Him in the Sacraments, and He will give you His victory and His peace.

Suggested Resolutions:

Choose one resolution for today to help you grow closer to God, or create your own. Here are some ideas to inspire you.

  • Go to daily Mass as often as possible, where Christ’s victory is made present.

  • Remember the real and present danger of sin, but also that you don’t have to fight alone, which is why we have the support of the sacraments.


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