Silence in the Desert
The Place of Encounter with God
When God called the Israelites out of Egypt, He called them first to the desert. The desert was the place where God chose to reveal Himself to His people. It was in the desert that God came down in fire to select them as His own. It was in the desert that God revealed His plan for their lives. It was in the desert that the Israelites first united themselves to God through communal worship.
So what was it about the desert that made it a good meeting place for God and humanity? What was it about the desert that made it a place where it was easier to access the divine?
There are doubtless many answers to that question. But one answer, surely, is that the desert is a place of quiet. And you need quiet if you want to encounter the Lord.
In cities and towns, there are the sounds of people. In forests and jungles, there are the sounds of birds and animals and rushing water. But in the desert, there is mostly silence. And silence is the place where God may be heard.
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Why is that? Why does God wait for the quiet? Why does He wait for the stillness? Why does He wait for the sound to be gone before He makes Himself known?
The Clamor of Creatures
It’s the way of creatures to call attention to themselves with sound. We call out to a friend to make them notice us. We honk our horns to let other drivers know we’re there, or to let them know that the signal’s changed from red to green. Birds have mating calls, rattlesnakes rattle, dogs bark. And, of course, computers ding and cell phones ring. All creatures say, “Look at me!” with noise.
God won’t do that. He refuses to compete with His creatures. If He wanted to, He could fill the earth, fill the universe, with overwhelming thunder. He could make it impossible to ignore Him, ever. But He does the opposite. He remains utterly silent. And He waits for us, in the desert of silence.
Only if we come to Him there will He communicate with us.
Our Sound-Polluted Culture
Needless to say, if silence is where God is found, then the way many of us live isn’t very conducive to an encounter with God. A lot of us are cramming sound into every free second we have. When we’re not reading or watching something, we’re listening to something. While cleaning, washing dishes, home-repair, driving, going on walks, we fill our ears with sound. Phone calls, the TV running in the background, music, audiobooks, the sound of notifications and yes, podcasts…
It’s a steady stream of sound. Some of it is good but it’s all creatures, all created things, reaching out for our attention. While the infinite God waits, quietly, for us to turn the volume down on everything, and come out to meet Him in the desert of silence.
Mother Teresa would say, “In the silence of the heart, God speaks.”
Sacrificing Sound for God
Lent is supposed to be our special time in the desert, a time where we sacrifice things so we can encounter God. And that means Lent should be a time of more silence. For sure we should be praying in silence everyday. Going into our room and closing the door. Going to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament at Church. Going for a walk in silence. Going someplace quiet, every day, to pray.
But also making a more deliberate effort to reduce sound, even good sound in our lives. During our commute, making the decision to not make a phone call, or turn on the radio, or listen to news or a podcast or a book while we drive. Or making the decision to clean the kitchen and dining room without listening to anything.
Maybe even trying to go several hours of the day without speaking to anyone at all just to create quiet. Just to show God that our attention isn’t dominated by creatures. Just to let the Lord know that we are available, that we have created space, created silence for Him.
Suggested Resolutions:
Choose one resolution for today to help you grow closer to God, or create your own. Here are some ideas to inspire you.
Today, commit to a silent commute. Turn off your music on your drive and just sit with God.
Try to be quieter with friends, giving them time to talk, intentionally listening, and to remind yourself that silence doesn’t have to be uncomfortable.