The New Heavens and New Earth


I think many people don’t really look forward to heaven.

They think it is better than the alternative, they would rather go to heaven than hell, but they do not passionately long for heaven.

Now, the Bible tells us that in heaven we will enjoy God. But, as Peter Kreeft points out, that only makes sense to those who already enjoy God; many of us seem to enjoy a vast majority of things more than we enjoy God.

We may even fear death and Heaven, because we fear boredom,  that all the good stuff to do is in this world and all that comes to an end with death. Earth seems much more interesting than Heaven because there seems to be nothing to do in Heaven.

So, how do we cultivate the desire for heaven? How do we get excited about it when we are not already?


We can increase our desire for Heaven the same way we increase our desire for anything else.

You use your imagination, and you get desirable images which will fire up your desire for heaven.

Fortunately, we don’t have to look very far for great images of Heaven. Scripture tells us Heaven will be a “New Heavens and a New Earth” in which the whole universe is raised up and transformed. Peter tells us: “What we are waiting for is what God promised: the new heavens and new earth, the place where righteousness will be at home.” 2 Peter 3:13

Now, I know this is the biggest question for you, so let’s get it out of the way: Will there be dogs in heaven? Psalm 36:6 seems to say yes. Now, I don’t know if your dog will be in heaven. But why not dogs that we petted in this life?

The Earth and the whole visible universe is going to come to an end and then the whole thing will be raised up and transformed.

Everything good in this life will be there – without all the problems.


Our Bodies will be Resurrected and Glorified

Through His own Resurrected body Jesus gives us a glimpse of what our bodies will be like. His body was not bound by time or space

●      He could go wherever and whenever he willed

●      He could pass through locked doors

●      He could change forms and not be recognized

●      Yet he could still eat and drink with the Apostles

Like the Risen Body of Jesus, Our new body will be immortal

●      We will no longer be subject to sickness, injury, death or decay

●      We will have indestructible life

In this life we were subject to the laws of nature. In Heaven, in our resurrected glorified bodies, the laws nature will be subject to us. 

We will have the ability to go anywhere in the world we choose at any moment simply by an act of the will or choice.

We will not need to breathe, or eat, or drink or sleep; yet we will be able if we want to. In Heaven we will live by the Principle of: “Freedom from need.”

We will be truly super-human in heaven because we will share in the very nature of God!


What will we do in Heaven?

Let me suggest three things we will do in heaven:

1.  Understand our earthly life by God’s knowledge

2.  Share in all other human lives

3.  Endless Exploration into God and the New Universe

First, we will review our past life with divine understanding and appreciation of every single experience, good and evil. This corresponds to the first stages of Heaven known as Purgatory. It might consist of moral reeducation rather than mere punishment, rehabilitation rather than retribution.

Second, we do the same to other’s lives from within.

●      Will we see our loved ones in heaven? Yes!

●      Will we live with our families in heaven? Yes!

●      Will we know them more intimately and completely than we could ever know our most intimate friend on earth? Yes,  because we will share in God’s knowledge of one another.

The Communion of Saints will be even more interesting than

●      Human love on earth

●      Think of the first time you fell in love

o   The joy of learning about another person

o   And doing all good things with them

o   Yet without out all the imperfections

o   And not just with one person

o   But with all people

We will have the ability to know every human that ever lived even more intimately than we knew our closest friend on earth.

Who would you like to become best friends with in Heaven?


Finally, Heaven will be Endless Exploration into God and the New Universe

I like that we say of those in Heaven “Rest in peace”, and I look forward to everlasting peace – but not an everlasting nap…

I want to do stuff. Well, we will do stuff, let me tell you! Heaven will be Dynamic rather than static, exploring rather than staring at God, endless beginnings rather than merely the end. Because the whole world will be renewed and transformed.

God gave me a glimpse of Heaven in Alaska in the Turn-Again Inlet

●      Girdwood – Alyeska resort

●      Mountains and the Ocean meet at one place

●      Light 24hrs a day

●      Sunday morning hike and meditation

●      Lord, why do I live in Kansas?

●      Michael this nothing in comparison to heaven

●      For the whole world is going to be renewed

●      There you may go from peak to peak to peak

●      Each time it only gets better


Bl. Solanus Casey


Heaven and the Glorious Mysteries