Bl. Solanus Casey


Bl. Solanus Casey 

Solanus Casey was born November 25, 1870 and grew up in Wisconsin.  He entered the Franciscans in 1894 but their seminary was taught in Latin and German, two languages, Casey could not grasp. Because of his difficulty with new languages, they concluded he was not intelligent enough to give homilies or hear confessions so once they ordained him, he was only allowed to pray Mass privately and do the duties of the other Franciscan brothers. Even more humiliating, they made him the door man at the monastery in downtown Detroit. Casey was misunderstood and treated unjustly. Faced with something he could not change he had two options: quit and leave; or wait and trust. He chose to stay, and He thanked God ahead of time with the absolute confidence God would work this in his favor. And this became his Motto – Thank God ahead of time!


God did work this for the good of Casey and for 10s of 1000s of others.

During the Great Depression, when people faced every type of suffering, loss or difficulty, they would come to the Franciscan Monastery in downtown Detroit, knock on the door looking for someone to talk with and help them. And who answered the door but Casey. He would listen to their story and help them materially, if he could. Often, however, it was not a material problem, such as cases of terminal cancer, addictions, broken marriages, and so on. Fr. Solanus would write down their problem in his journal and promise to pray for them at Mass and he always encouraged them do as he did, to thank God ahead of time, for whatever God would do. Then the miracles began to occur. People came back to the Monastery with tales of miraculous cures, reconciled marriages, addictions overcome, and all manner of problems miraculously solved. When Fr. Solanus died in 1957 more than 10,000 people came to his wake and funeral, almost all with some story of a miracle attributed to Casey and his Motto to Thank God ahead of time.


During the Great Depression, the monastery where he lived, St. Bonaventure’s in Detroit, ran a soup kitchen. Hundreds of families lined up each day.

One day the food ran out with 100s of families still waiting in line. Fr. Solanus Came outside, gathered the people, saying, “In this moment that looks very uncertain, we will thank God ahead of time for taking care of us.” He then began to lead them in praying the Our Father. At the very moment when he got to the words “Give us this day our daily bread,” a bakery truck pulled up and provided bread for everyone.

Solanus Casey was absolutely confident that the God who created and sustains the universe is our Father. If we do our best to do our part, He will provide for all our needs. Therefore, we too can thank God ahead of time.


We can always thank God ahead of time because God turns all things to good for those who love him.

Now, we may have to wait and hope patiently until we see just how God worked it for our best, and we may not get to see it until we are in heaven, but the fact remains: God works all things for good for those who love him. This is why Casey could write: “Shake off the excessive worry - and instead exercise a little confidence in God’s merciful providence  - by first promising some little sacrifice in thanksgiving if things go favorably. Then to show your confidence in His goodness start thanking Him now for what He may see best to do.”


The first step Solanus took with each person was to listen, care and pray. That is where the miracles began.

That is where we should begin.

Many times, when we are talking with people, they share some concern, either personally or with someone they love. It might be an illness, or an addiction or the seeking of a new career path or difficult decisions to make – the needs are endless and sometimes overwhelming.  

Be like Casey. Listen, and then tell them you will pray for them. But don’t make it idle words.

Immediately get out your phone, pull up our Daily Rosary App, click on Prayer intentions, add their concern and tell them you and 40,000 others will be praying for them.

Then ask them if you can share the Rosary with them.

Fr. Solanus Casey made himself available to people and then directed them to put their trust in God through prayer and miracles took place.

We can do the same and we should all begin by Thanking God ahead of time!


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