Strategy for Fear

Strategy for Fear
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


Fear and bewilderment are the two overriding feelings plaguing people today. The future is uncertain, chaotic, and possibly violent. These vicious realities further produce problems like division, confusion, and hatred. We know the root source: Satan. Perhaps in no time since our Lord’s Passion have we experienced such demonic influences world-wide. We are not able to understand it because evil is not understandable. Therefore, we need to develop a strategy that recognizes this one, central fact: there is a God and Lord of history, Jesus Christ. Our news feeds, however, fill us with dread because they don’t recognize this. We must tune out these sources of negative influence and quit giving them so much time and energy in our lives. Instead, let us turn to this God and Lord of history because He loves us and takes care of us. “Cast all your fears and anxieties on Him, for he cares about you.” (1 Peter 5:7.) So let us commit to a five-point strategy that helps us tune out the voices of fear and hatred and tune in the voice that loves and protects us, the voice of God. 1. Institute news and media blackout days; 2. Recognize who is and is not in charge; 3. Pray, pray, pray, especially the rosary! 4. Read God’s Word and discover God’s providence; 5. Have sacred images around your house with which to fill your imagination.


I often hear people complain, “Troy, I have to listen to the news to be informed. Otherwise how can I respond to what’s happening.” This is the voice of the deceiver, who is trying to convince us that we, not God, must be in control. Yet, this deception is the entry way the devil uses to disturb and bewilder us. We aren’t in control, and we don’t have to be in control, because God is in control. So, our strategy in dealing with fear and bewilderment starts with recognizing this truth: God is God, I am not. If we can’t tune out the news, we are addicted to our own false sense of self-control. This will drive us insane! Instead, we need to pray, pray, pray! Let us reflect on these three questions as a form of examination of conscience: 1. What is the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning? 2. What is the last thing I do before going to bed? 3. What do I spend the most time thinking about? Is it God, His teachings, His Kingdom, His promises to me? If not, why not?


I have rosary beads strategically placed throughout my home, room, and car. I Keep them there because when I feel myself getting preoccupied with worries and fears, I grab and pray the rosary. This is the third point of our strategy, after tuning out the news and admitting our lack of control: pray! When problems and predicaments seek to pre-occupy and paralyze you (which they will,) don’t panic, but pray! Our Lady has connected herself so closely with the reflections of the rosary that by praying the rosary, we move her heart to act. She realizes how we have confided our cares, concerns, indeed, very lives to her as her own special possession, that she promises to personally oversee that our troubles and issues are brought to a happy end, and usually, quickly. Dear Blessed Mother, here I am, I am yours take care of me.


Spend time every day reading the Sacred Scriptures slowly and attentively. Pause frequently to reflect on the insights that strike you. This is the Holy Spirit speaking. Listen to Him and ask for His help to listen and apply His words. The scriptures are true and powerful. There are many stories that speak of God’s providence. One of my favorites is the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis, chapters 37-50. His life was a tale of ups and downs, and he experienced such betrayal and suffering. Yet, by the end of his life according to God’s loving plan, he was one of the most powerful people in one of the most powerful nations on earth. He was stuck in prison and chained up, so he was clearly not in control. Yet, that didn’t mean his life was out of control. God brought him to a happy conclusion. This is Divine Providence! We need times of silence if we’re going to hear the voice of God and trust His providence. To hear God’s voice and discern well, we must distinguish it from the voices of the world which we can’t do if we’re too plugged in. So, plan a realistic time in your day every day to spend with the Lord in silent refection on the Scriptures.


Have beautiful and sacred imagery in your house. Seek images that captivate your senses and imagination and place these prominently in your home and workplace. Sacred imagery on your phone background is helpful, too. Images like Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners, or the Sacred Heart of Jesus, or the Heavenly Father holding us in the palm of His hands—these images can become mental refuges where in we can retreat and ponder. They give our minds a better picture upon which to meditate so that we don’t fixate on the problems and worries of the world.  These holy pictures connect us tangibly to God and His holy people. Beauty has a profound impact on us in general, and sacred beauty has an even better and holy impact. These images will cast out the shadows of Satan. Oh, sacred beauty so sublime, so divine, captivate me and, enlighten me, and cast out my darkness.




St. Ignatius of Loyola