Saving the world through Mary


The Crossroad

Satan does not care who burns the house down, he just wants it to burn.

I have shared with you in past meditations many of Our Lady’s apparitions. Those fully approved and those still under investigation.

Given the war in the Ukraine, the open declaration of Russia to fight to the end and the increased supply of heavy weapons from the U.S and Germany I was particularly struck by the supposed??? message of Mary at Medjugorje on January 25:

“Dear children! Pray with me for peace, because satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples. Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days by fasting and penance, that God may give you peace. The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition. You, little children, are my hope. Pray with me, that what I began in Fatima and here may be realized. Be prayer and witness peace in your surroundings, and be people of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

What did Mary begin at Fatima that she wants to accomplish?


The Triumph of The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Era of Peace

From May 13 to October 13, 1917, Mary appeared six times to three shepherd children in Fatima Portugal culminating with the miracle of the Sun witnessed by more than 70,000 people.

In her memoires, one of the visionaries, Sr. Lucia relates: “Our Lady opened her hands once more…The rays of light seemed to penetrate the earth, and we saw as it were a sea of fire. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the fire, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves…amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear…The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals...”

Lucia relates: “Terrified and as if to plead for help, we looked up at Our Lady, who said to us, so kindly and so sadly: ‘You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go.’”

Then Our Lady said: To save them, (that is, to save people from going to hell) God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace…In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

What Our Lady came to accomplish was the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart which will result in the salvation of souls and peace for the world. That is the goal. The means decreed by God at this moment in history is devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So, it is not a question of clarity. The question is – will we believe, will we take it seriously and will we act on it.


Throughout the messages of Our Lady to the children of Fatima and her subsequent messages to the last living visionary, Sr. Lucia, Mary defined what she meant by devotion to Her Immaculate Heart.

God’s plan to save souls and bring about world peace through devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary includes four steps: Consecration to Mary; the daily Rosary; sacrifice; and 1st Saturdays of Reparation.

Repeatedly Our Lady has asked that we consecrate ourselves to her Immaculate Heart. She says: “Give me your hearts and I will put Jesus in them and make you my apostles.”

And at Fatima, as well as every one of her apparitions at least since Lourdes Mary said: “I want you…to continue to pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace in world and the end of the war, because only She can help you.”



In the 2nd Apparition of the Angel in the Summer of 1916, while the children were playing around the well near Lucia’s house, suddenly the Angel appeared and asked: "What are you doing? Pray, pray very much! The Most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you. Offer prayers and sacrifice constantly to the Most High. The hearts of Jesus and Mary have a mission for you"

Lucy then asked the Angel: “How are we to make sacrifices?”

"Make of everything you can a sacrifice and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners.”

“In this way, you will draw peace upon your country. I am its Guardian Angel, the Angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and bear with submission the sufferings which the Lord will send you."

The most spiritually fruitful you can be is

·       The patient acceptance and endurance of the sufferings,

·       Which you did not choose, do not like and cannot change,

·       Yet, which God in His mysterious providence allows in your life


1st Saturdays of Reparation

On December 10, 1925, Mary appeared to Sr. Lucia, the last living visionary of Fatima and said: “Look my daughter, at My Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce Me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console Me and announce in My name that I promise to assist at the moment of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall go to confession, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep Me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the life of my Son with the intention of making reparation to Me.”

Pope Benedict extended the window for confession from 20 days before the first Saturday until 20 days after the first Saturday – basically if we go to confession every month with the intention of fulfilling the 1st Saturday request. 

But too few have answered the call. In a letter Lucia wrote: “Our Lady promised to postpone the scourge of war if this devotion is spread and practiced. We see her putting off this chastisement in the measure that efforts are being made to spread it. But I am afraid that we are not doing all that we are able to, and that God, in no way satisfied, may raise the arm of his mercy and let the world be ravaged by this punishment, which will be as never been, horrible, horrible!...Peace or war depends on the Five First Saturdays along with the Consecration.”

The weapons we are offered to fight by her side are consecration to her Immaculate Heart, the Rosary, Sacrifice, and First Saturdays of Reparation. Our Lady comes on a Rescue Mission. She is asking us to help her save souls and change world events.

Will you answer her call?


The Choirs of Angels


Living well with uncertainty