Living well with uncertainty


No one likes uncertainty – But it is good!

Our ancestors had a lot less information about the world around them. So they were trained by life to learn to live well with uncertainty. They didn’t know what the weather would do or what invading army was around the corner or what disease they were genetically disposed to.

We on the other hand have built a world to delude us into thinking that if we just have enough information we can control everything and make all the right decisions and then we will be safe.

Well, let go of that false idea. Let go of the idea that if you get all the information and if you just do it right then you will know what will happen next. You can’t know everything, and no one knows what will happen next or how things will turn out.

And that is a good thing. If life was 100% predictable we would be bored to death. What makes life beautiful is that it has some order, but that it also has surprise. It is the surprise – the unknown – the uncertainty that makes life a grand adventure.

The way to overcome anxiety and OCD is not by the effort to remove all uncertainty.

The trick to live life well is the ability to live with uncertainty!


Step One of Learning to live well with uncertainty: No matter what happens I will be O.K.

More information or more money or more power or more guarantees will not keep you safe.

Only with Jesus will we be safe.

No matter what happens, no matter which way this thing goes, Jesus is the Lord and Master of the universe and all world history. I belong to him. He is working all things for my good. So with him – no matter what – we will be O.K. we are safe.

In fact, you don’t even know what the best outcome would be. I have wanted things so badly in life and often the best thing that happened was that I didn’t get what I wanted and it didn’t work out the way I thought. Because I didn’t know. God knew. So why be attached.

Be willing to step into the situation and say “It doesn’t matter how this goes. Because with Jesus we will be ok, we are safe!


Step Two of learning to live well with uncertainty: the goal of life is not certitude.

The goal of life is to form you to be like Jesus, to form you in virtue.

The only way we grow in any virtue, be it humility or courage or honesty or to be hardworking and disciplined and diligent, is by going through life experiences that force us to practice those virtues. Without the life situations – we won’t practice or gain the virtue.

So if one of the tasks of life is to learn to live with uncertainty, then you won’t end up in a lot of places of certainty. So be grateful. God is exercising and training you to be like Jesus.

What situations is God offering you to gain the virtue and live well with uncertainty?

Take advantage of these and you will be free from all fear.


Step Three of learning to live well with uncertainty: Live in the Present Moment

We can get stuck in the past blaming ourselves for choices and wishing things were different; or we try to live in the future by the vain effort to know and control all things.

Both are a waste of time and energy and neither are doing the will of God and that is why you are not at peace. For it is in His will that we find peace.

The will of God is found in the present moment:

In the duty to be done; some good to delight in; some suffering to be endured.

Yes, you should gather the relevant information; make a plan and choose a course of action; then execute and follow through. But don’t look back in regret; and don’t look ahead with fear.

Live in the present moment because God has the future under control. Trust him. With Him your past, your present and your future are safe.


Step Four of learning to live well with uncertainty: Take the Leap of Faith

Remember the iconic scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when he is trapped at the gorge and has to step out in faith before the bridge becomes visible.

We have to take steps forward without knowing how it will all turn out. But we can take the leap of faith because we belong to Jesus. He is our guarantee that it will all end well. With Him, all will be well.

The more as Christians we turn things over to Jesus and trust we will be O.K. the easier it becomes to take risks and step into those uncertain places.


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