Mary, Queen of the Universe—

Mary, Queen of the Universe
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


Today we celebrate the Fact that Mary is the Queen of Heaven and Earth, She is the Queen and Mother of All people

How do we know Mary is the Queen of the Universe? First, the Book of Revelation says the mother of the male child who rules al the nations is crowned with a crown of twelve stars – that is Mary.

Second, through the history of the Kingdom of David, the kings made political alliances by taking wives from the daughters of the kings of the nations around them. Suffice it to say the kings of Israel had may wives. Scripture tells us Solomon had 700 wives. Well then, who is the Queen. It was always the Mother of the King. And the Queen Mother was in no way a figure-head. She had real authority. Jesus is the everlasting King of the Universe – Mary is His mother – She is our Queen.

Third Mary is Queen by virtue of her part in the conquest over Satan. Jesus is the Redeemer and Mary is the Co-Redemptrix. Co means with, not equal. Mary is the mother who offered her son to the Father in the maternal sacrifice of her heart for the redemption of the world. Mary is the one who fought with Jesus the King for the victory over Satan, sin and death.

And fourth, Mary is our Queen because God fashioned her to be the perfect human expression, the sign and instrument of the person and mission of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit has a maternal and educative mission to form Jesus in you. The Holy Spirit carries out this maternal mission through Mary. God fashioned her to be the Perfect Human Expression, the sign and instrument of the person and mission of the Holy Spirit and that is why she is the Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of All graces and Advocate.

·       Mary is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit

·       The visible sign that makes the maternal mission of the Spirit present and effective to form Christ in Christians

·       That is why she is our Queen and Mother.


Mary is a Queen arrayed for Battle

Saint Louis de Montfort, writing in the early 1700’s gives an  astonishing prophesy that the battle we see between Mary, the Woman clothed with the Sun and Great Red Dragan in the Book of Revelation will be openly manifest on earth. At that time, Mary will call many of her sons and daughters to fight at her side. In True Devotion to Mary, paragraphs 49-54, Montfort writes:

“In these latter times Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, power and grace: in mercy, to bring back and welcome lovingly the poor sinners and wanders who are to be converted and return to the Catholic Church; in power, to combat the enemies of God who will rise up menacingly to seduce and crush by promises of threats all those who oppose them; finally, she must shine forth in grace to inspire and support the valiant soldiers and loyal servants of Jesus Christ who are fighting for his cause…as Scripture states in the Song of Songs 6:10, Mary must become as terrible as an army in battle array to the devil and his followers…Thus, the most fearful enemy that God has set up against the devil is Mary, his most holy mother…But Mary’s power over the evil spirits will especially shine forth in the latter times, when Satan will lie in wait for her heel, that is, for her humble servants and her poor children whom she will rouse to fight against him…in union with Mary, they will crush the head of Satan with their heel, that is their humility, and bring victory to Jesus Christ.”


The children of Mary, our great Queen and Mother expects our action in the rescue mission of souls.

August 12, 2003 Blessed Mother said

My children, my consecrated souls, how difficult these times have been for you. Do not think heaven has stood by idly while you have been so maligned and challenged in your faith. We are watching. We are giving strength. We are sustaining you and continue to do so while heaven organizes for the unity it is about to bestow upon the world. So now, little children, it is time for you to do your part. You have a role to play and it is important. Be assured that this plan from heaven is well thought out and you cannot improve upon it. So do not spend time talking about a better way, a different way, or your way. The plan I have outlined is to be completed only one way and that is heaven’s way. Be docile receptacles of the great graces that gush from heaven now, directly into your heart. Be supportive of each other while we work through you. It is your task to begin this rescue mission and there are many souls who have been placed under your care. You will want every soul to be saved and will grieve at the loss of even one soul snatched by the darkness. You will be the light. You will reflect Christ and your followers will see Christ in you. How grateful you will be to have participated in the implementation of this plan. Many saints in heaven stand by, ready to be of service to you. Many angels arrange themselves around you in protection, awaiting your beckoning. Truly, you walk with the authority of Jesus Christ and must wear that authority with dignity and a firm purpose. It is not time for superfluous activity. It is time for deep prayer and commitment and the setting of a holy example…


May 12, 2005, Our Lady stated:

 Your message to souls remains constant. Welcome each soul to the rescue mission. You may assure each lay apostle that just as they concern themselves with My interests, I will concern Myself with theirs. They will be placed in My Sacred Heart and I will defend and protect them. I will also pursue complete conversion of each of their loved ones. So you see, the souls who serve in this rescue mission as My beloved lay apostles will know peace. The world cannot make this promise as only heaven can bestow peace on a soul. This is truly heaven’s mission and I call every one of heaven’s children to assist Me. You will be well rewarded, My dear ones.


Our lady queen of the universe

At Fatima Our Lady revealed that “God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart, wanting to save it by this means…if what I say will be done there will be peace.”

One year ago today, we launched the Movement of the Holy Family to do just what Jesus and Mary are requesting.

I am inviting you to join us in this mission as a member of the Movement because together, united to Jesus and Mary we can change world events and help save souls. We too are called to be co-redeemers with Christ. And what are we to do? Pray the daily rosary podcast – why this podcast? Because it helps you learn your faith and learn to meditate day after day.

Form your team. Why? Because the small group is the unit of transformation and the most effective fighting unit. We are in a spiritual battle and you won’t survive alone.

Third – be bold – invite others to join you in the Rosary and join your team.

The time for being timid is over – I’m sick of it anyway. Let’s be bold and join our Queen and our King fighting for souls.


St. Margaret of Cortona


Feast of St. Pius X