Feast of the Mother of God

Feast of the Mother of God
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


We cannot look into 2021 and predict what will happen because we are looking into complete darkness.

From the darkness a woman’s voice is heard and a Mother’s hand stretches forth. It is Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother. She says to us – “Take my hand. My Feast stands at the beginning of this year because I will lead you. I know what will happen and I know what you should do. Stay close to me this year and you will be safe, you will flourish.”

We place our hand in the hand of Mary by renewing our Consecration to Her on this day and every day in 2021 with this short prayer by St. Louis de Montfort

“I am all yours and all that is mine is yours, dear Jesus, through Mary, your holy Mother.”[1]


The whole world changed in March of 2020. How are we to understand what happened and what will happen? Who are the main actors and what is the plot-line? Whatever theories you may have, I can assure you the main actors are God and Our Lady of Fatima. The one event that enables us to interpret our age is Fatima. In 1917 Mary came and told us Satan would seek to destroy the Church, the family and the world through the error of Russia, atheistic Marxism. But Mary promised us if we did what she requested, in the end Her Immaculate Heart would triumph and there would be an era of peace. Sr Lucia said there were seven periods or days of Fatima and we are only in the 3rd day. Repeatedly Our Lady said that what she is doing in Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima and the completion of Fatima.

Satan is not in control of the world or our lives and neither is anyone else. God and Our Lady of Fatima are the main actors and they are working their plan. Just belong to Our Lady in 2021. Do what she tells you and you will be safe.


On October 13, 1917 St Joseph appeared at Fatima before Mary worked the miracle of the Sun witnessed by more than 70,000 people. This is a providential message to us that for Mary’s heart to Triumph, for the fulfillment of the Fatima message, that St. Joseph, the patron of the Church will have to be intimately involved. That is why Joseph blessed the world with the Child Jesus during the miracle of the Sun in Fatima. 

This is significant because this is the Year Pope Francis Dedicated to St. Joseph.

That won’t make any difference for you unless you dedicate 2021 to St. Joseph by consecrating yourself to him. By consecration to St. Joseph we give him unconditional permission to protect, provide and direct us. The Son of God made the conscious decision to place himself under the care and obedience to Joseph when he became a little baby in Jesus. In imitation of Jesus we do the same by consecrating ourselves to Joseph. But consecration is just the beginning. If we want to imitate Jesus, then we must develop a deep daily relationship with Joseph and rely on Joseph day after day as Jesus did. A great way to foster a relationship with St. Joseph is the Consecration to St. Joseph by Fr. Don Calloway. We are 1 month into the year of St. Joseph. Are you developing a deep friendship with him every day or have you forgotten about your spiritual father?


We may go forward with Confidence in 2021 because Mary is the Queen of Angels and Queen of All Saints.

On September 3, 2004 Jesus said to the mystic I have been referring to in the book Time to Meet the Angels by Dr. Mark Miravalle

My dear ones, you must learn to work as part of a team. Any task entrusted to you has also been entrusted to one or more angels, who are assigned to assist you. You see that you are never alone. Even the smallest task you must complete will have at least one angel attached. Your angel guardian is always with you. So you are wrong to feel overwhelmed by the mission given to you because you bear only one part of the responsibility. When you feel heavily burdened, you must ask yourself what I am requesting of you in this moment. Then you must pray to the angels to help you. Then you must pray to the saints to intercede for you. After that, you must remember that Mary, your heavenly mother, is near you, and also interceding for you. She watches closely for any sign that you are struggling. After all of that, remember that I, Jesus Christ, the God of All, am with you. Ask yourself again if you are overwhelmed. When you are worrying about the future there is always a risk of becoming frightened because you have the graces only for the present. You are given what you need for this moment. Remain with Me, with Mary your mother, and the saints and angels. We are not in the future. We are not in the past. We are here, in the present, and you are one part of our powerful team.


I have a large icon of Our Lady of Vladimir in my chapel. In this icon Mary has deep and penetrating eyes. When I looked into the eyes of Our Lady today I asked her, “What do you want me to tell them on your Feast Day? She whispered in my heart

“They must go and tell everyone that I am their Mother. The world cannot have peace until it comes to the Heart of their Mother. My Immaculate Heart will be their refuge. I will show them the way to Jesus. Tell everyone that I am their Mother. They will enter the refuge of My Heart through the Rosary and there I will bring my Son Jesus to them and they will be at peace.”

[1] TD 233


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