Direction For Our Times

Direction For Our Times
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


The discernment of reported private revelation, messages and apparitions must be carefully discerned under the guidance of the Magisterium of the Church, especially the Local Bishop; but also as the Church has said, with an open heart. That’s a balance and an important balance to keep. Technically there is not a need for private revelation in light of the fullness of Revelation in Scripture, Tradition and the Church’s teaching. At the same time, we should thank God for authentic Marian and private revelations of Jesus. Imagine the 20th century without Divine Mercy and Fatima.

One private revelation consisting of messages from Jesus, Mary and the Saints that has received a thorough investigation by the local Bishop, Bishop O’Rilley and his imprimatur, his approval and was also investigated by Dr. Mark Miravalle, a very faithful theologians in the world is a private revelation known as Direction for Our Times.

They can be found in ten small booklets for free at I have read them all and find the messages timely for right now, they prepare us for the challenges to come but to do so with joy.  

In these messages Jesus and Mary call all of us to participate with them in a rescue mission. Only Jesus can save but he asks His Mother Mary and all her children to do their part. The official title of these is The Lay Apostles for Jesus Christ the Returning King. You may ask, are we talking about the end of the world. No. What is meant is that God is preparing for a new beginning. But there will be a world-wide purification to get there. In preparation, our role is to be agents spreading faith, hope and joy to prepare for this new beginning, this new-spring time in faith as St JPII called it. 

Why should you care about this private revelation? Because God is calling you to help Him in this rescue mission. Will you give him your yes?


A good way to know who your friends are is to ask, “Who do I look forward to seeing in person?”

Jesus looks forward to seeing us in person and He waits for us 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year in the Eucharist in every Catholic Church. In these private revelations from DFOT Jesus invites us to deepen our friendship with Him by spending more time with Him in His physical presence in the Eucharist.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Jesus said

Many of My children have stopped visiting churches. They say they can pray at home. But alas, they do not. This is yet another sign of The Great Disobedience. My children who speak this way, I am calling out to you in firmness. I did not ask you to pray at home on the Sabbath. I asked you to attend to your religious duties. When you die, and you face Me, I will ask you if you completed these duties. Woe be to those who dared to make their own rules, and superimpose those rules over the law of God. What audacity they practice. What a bad example they set for others. Again, I say, “No longer.” God’s law will preside, children. I would have you answer immediately to Me, your God, who calls you. Look closely at your life right now. Decide prayerfully what your duty consists of in every area. Then fulfill those duties. I want no excuses. I want your duties fulfilled with enthusiasm and love. In the beginning, it is possible that this will be difficult for you. But I will be there.


We might say to Jesus, “I am already overwhelmed with all I have to do. How can you ask me to add another thing by going to the Church and being with you in the Eucharist?”

Listen to the words of Jesus

“I do not ask you for something, little child, and then withhold the graces necessary to complete this task. It will never happen that way. You look up to heaven and say, “My God, this is too hard. I cannot do this.” First, be certain that I am, in fact, asking you to do this thing. Then, sit quietly while I grant you the gift of calm, and try again. If we proceed together, My blessed little soul, you will find your task easy. This is My promise to you and if you look at My world and read My Scripture, you will find that I never broke a promise. It is something that is not even possible. I am your God. Heed My words of love and direction today.”


A message from Our Blessed Mother

Little child, heed His words. He speaks with such love and wisdom. You will not find this wisdom on the earth or from an earthly source. You will not find happiness on the earth or from an earthly source. Do you want to be happy? Are you tired of being sad, discouraged, and joyless? Come back to us now, in obedience, and we will minister to your fatigue and sadness. We will refresh you and after we have refreshed you and healed you, we will set about saving the world. You will not be alone any longer, little soul. We have complete forgiveness for you. Together we will step away, as we leave your past sins and failures behind. Take my hand, little child of my heart, and your mother will lead you to every spiritual success. Truly, you will not even believe how we intend to change your life. I want you to be a great spiritual leader. I want you to stand upright, carrying the staff of Moses, and pull my children from the smoldering spiritual ruins of this world.


In our final meditation Our Mother warns us about a danger that threatens to derail our spiritual renewal.

She warns: The enemy seeks to pull you off track by offering worldly delights. I want you to pray for discernment when you are faced with a fork in the road, be it in your career, your living arrangements, or your family life. I must tell you that I want to protect you and I am doing so. These attacks can be concealed under the guise of something good, but you will never be fooled if you consult Jesus and pray for discernment. Do you see, children, why your mother is beseeching you to pray in a determined fashion? If you stop and start, you give the enemy room to work and gradually you can slide further away. It is as if you are put to sleep when this happens and you become spiritually groggy. Be alert during these days of decision. Be cheerful. And above all, be vigilant with regard to the prayer goals you have set. Your mother is guiding and protecting you in an enhanced way and I send you a blessing of discernment.


Volume 8, September 17, 2004

Today our Lord showed me a classroom filled with small children. They were very beautiful, as small children are, and I felt our Lord’s powerful and total love for each one of them. He showed me how He suffers because He is being denied access to them.


They are not told about Me, Anne. They are filled instead with worldly notions that change from week to week, as worldly souls argue and compete for the honor of creating an ideology. They, the people who create these thoughts leading nowhere, are puffed up with pride. The schools of nonsense manufactured by worldly souls soothe their consciences and feed their sinfulness. Children are often far more discerning than adults and My little ones are confused at worst. At best they learn nothing. My pain at this is severe and touches the core of My Sacred Heart.

You saw how I worked so powerfully in the soul of the soldier who spent his life making his way to Me. I cannot do that in these small children. They will wander aimlessly through their lives. Certainly, in My mercy, I will secure access to them at some time, but I want more than that for them. I want more than that for each one of you. Bring Me to the children, dear servants of heaven. Bring Me to the smallest members of God’s Kingdom so that I may take My rightful place in their souls. You see the fruits of My absence in their lives. Your youth are not happy. They are in anguish at the separation from their God. I am also in anguish at this separation. I suffer for their pain and confusion. Dear servants, these poor souls do not even know the source of their pain. They know simply that something they require has not been given to them. I am that Something. You will not fix these children with worldly notions. They need Me.

May 26, 2004

Jesus showed me His deep disappointment at the sight of many of today’s mothers. He gave me a glimpse of the heart of a mother who was heedless to the needs of her children and overly concerned with things of this world and of her appearance, as in physical appearance. This was disturbing. Jesus told me that this mother, who is representative of many, lacks love for her children and loves herself. He indicated her heart, which was like a cracked stone with small serpents moving through the cracks. I hate serpents and this vision was very unpleasant. The serpents represented pride, avarice, jealousy or envy, hatred, etc. Jesus was greatly disappointed as He showed me the children who are emotionally abandoned and receiving indifference when they are in need of and entitled to warmth and love. I felt revulsion at the sight of this woman, but again, she was representative of many modern women. I must say that on the outside this woman was quite beautiful.

While this woman was repulsing me, Jesus moved on to show His opinion or experience of many modern men. He said they ignore their own spiritual duties and often completely abandon any formation of their children. He indicated great sins of the sexual nature, some with complicit partners, but also many assaults on innocent victims.

Jesus told me He is with every innocent victim, always. He said He hears every cry and each act will have to be atoned for. Jesus is disgusted and repulsed by these sins, but does not turn His face away, because He must witness every act on earth.

Jesus then said, “Because you are My apostle, you are entitled to joy, so I will now give you joy and show you what gives Me joy.”

Jesus showed me the heart of a woman apostle. It had no open cracks in it and was like beautiful warm marble. This heart was well protected by its owner through prayer and service and Jesus felt joy and happiness upon the contemplation of this soul. This was a modern apostle who was attempting to follow Him. I could see that there had been cracks in the past but they were well sealed and closed by prayers and sacrifices and acts of unselfishness. They were healed. These cracks, where sin had formerly left openings, did not bother Jesus in the least. On the contrary, they were signs of how the soul had turned away from sin and had followed Him.

Jesus then showed me that while He was surveying the sins of both men and women today, and filled with just anger, there was a constant tugging at His sleeve. This distracting tugging came from the prayers of souls in Eucharistic Adoration. These prayers distracted Him from His just anger and deflected great calamities from befalling this world.

( Note: Both the Old and New Testaments reflect the idea that natural disasters and calamities may at times be God’s way of allowing man to experience consequences from sin which can act as purification and ultimately lead people back to Him. We have always been taught through Scripture and Tradition that God can avert much suffering through the prayers of the faithful.)

Chastisements have been mitigated in this way. He showed me Our Lady, who was collecting poor wounded souls from this world of darkness. She was drying tears, healing wounds, and then instructing souls on what they could do to best serve Jesus and help them to save others. This was so beautiful and did make me happy and joyful, despite the ugliness of the first parts.

Jesus told me that in Eucharistic Adoration, His graces flow into souls, who then go back into the world, where His graces then flow into their homes, work places, and peer groups. He said that in the most difficult cases, where an adorer is still sinful, He can preserve their families and limit the damage this person does to others while also healing and preserving the person. In the best cases, where the person accepts His grace and lives a pious life, He can truly change areas of the world.

He showed me that the more souls we have in Eucharistic Adoration, the more the river of purity will cleanse the world.


Meekness and Anxiety


Come Joseph! Bring Jesus!