Apparitions in Kibeho

Apparitions in Kibeho
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


According to Marxist ideology, history is a never-ending sequence of battles between the oppressed and the oppressor. Life is a battle between those who have and those who don’t have which can only be resolved by violent revolution.

The message coming from almost every media outlet is that we must pick a side, left of right, then fear and hate the other.

Fear and hatred in every epoch of history results in murder and war.

At the origin of the message of fear, hatred and murder is Satan, the absolute destroyer.

The force that stands opposed to Satan and his diabolical message is the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace.

Her message is this: God is real. Evil and sin are the enemies – not people. We must hate evil and sin in our own lives and we must convert, reject sin in our own hearts and return to God.

The fruit of virtue is union with God, happiness and peace

Within yourself, in your family and in the world.

The consequence of vice, sin, is resentment, hatred, division,  despair, loneliness and hell.

There are only two options:

1.  Turn toward God and have peace.

2.  Turn away and find violence.

This was the message Our Lady gave a Kibeho Rwanda in the 1980s.

But they refused to listen.

From November 1981 to 1983

Mary appeared to three teenage girls in Kibeho, Rwanda, a country that was 65% Catholic and comprised of tribes Tootsies and Hutus. August 15, 1982, Mary wept during the apparition and showed the teenage visionaries  images of the future: deadly civil war, a river of blood, abandoned corpses and a gaping abyss. She begged the people for prayer, conversion and peace. Her messages were left un-headed. Civil war erupted in 1990 and in one three-month period in 1994, one million Tootsies were murdered by their Hutu neighbors.

March 27, 1982, Mary made it extremely clear her warning was for the world and not just Kibeho. To Alphonsine Mary said, "When I show myself to someone and talk to them, I want to turn to the whole world. If am turning to the parish of Kibeho, it does not mean that I am concerned only for Kibeho or…the whole of Africa. I am concerned with and turning to the whole world. The world is evil and rushes towards its ruin. It is about to fall into an abyss. The world is in rebellion against GOD. Many sins are being committed. There is no love and no peace. If you do not repent and convert your hearts, you will all fall into an abyss." 

Then Our Lady said:

"I have come to prepare the way for my Son for your good, and you do not want to understand. The time remaining is short and you are absent-minded. You are distracted by the goods of this world which are passing.....Do not forget that God is more powerful than all the evil in the world…Don't lose Heaven for the world…Seek detachment from the good of this world and search for the good prepared by God…The walk to heaven is through a narrow road. It is not easy to get through. The road to Satan is wide. You will go fast, you will run because there are no obstacles… There isn't much time left for preparing for the Last Judgment. We must change our lives, renounce sin. Pray and prepare for our death and for the end of the world. We must prepare while there is still time. Those who do well will go to Heaven. If they do evil, they will condemn themselves with no hope of appeal. Do not lose time in doing good and praying. There is not much time and Jesus will come." 

Fr Rene Laurentin, whom I studied under, investigated and interviewed not only the visionaries of Kibeho but all the apparitions occurring at this time. In his interviews he asked: Might this be an announcement of the end of the world? The common response of the visionaries was no. It is rather the end of a world which men are constructing. Jesus and Mary are coming to change everything.

Satan, the absolute destroyer

Satan wants to provoke fear hatred and murder. Mary, our Spiritual Mother comes with the plan for peace. But this peace must begin within me and you.

1.  Examine your life conscience, turn away from sin and every vice and be reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation

2.  Pray the Rosary daily and receive the Eucharist as often as possible, spend time with God in silence and stillness

3.  Fast to gain the strength to overcome sin in your own life and offer it up for the conversion of others.

4.  Accept with love suffering that would help Jesus and Mary to save the world. Accept the Gospel of the Cross and the redemptive nature of suffering!

5.  Forgive others from you heart. We will only be forgiven in the measure that we forgive. For this is what we pray: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.

In 1982 Alphonsine, one of the visionaries of Kibeho, replied to Mary during an apparition:

“Yes Mother, I will repeat it exactly as you ask me to. To the people on Earth, you say three times:

·       You opened the door and they refused to come in.

·       You opened the door and they refused to come in.

·       You opened the door and they refused to come in…”

“Yes Mother, I’m telling them you say that you saw the world in a bad state and you came to save us, but we refused to listen…”

Alphonsine continued: “Yes, I will continue to tell them. You want me to ask them three times:

·       What are you waiting for?

·       What are you waiting for?

·       What are you waiting for?


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