The Work of the Holy Family

Work and Family: Where Sanctification Happens

a.  It’s remarkable how little the Gospels tell us about Nazareth. After the Holy Family returns from Egypt, the only story we get about Jesus’ childhood is the finding in the Temple – and that doesn’t even happen in Nazareth

b.  Maybe its just that there wasn’t much to report.

                                         i.    That’s how it is, a lot of the time, with work and family. There’s not much to report.

1.  People say, “What’s new with work? What’s new with the fam?”

a.  And we say, “Oh, not much. Things are good. Same old.”

                                       ii.    And maybe because there’s not much to report, we start to think that work and family aren’t important.

c.   The thirty years Jesus spent with Mary and Joseph at Nazareth remind us that, actually, the opposite is true. The unsensational, unexciting, regular day-to-day rhythm of work and family life is the most important aspect of human life

                                         i.    It’s in that rhythm of work and family that God-made-man spent most of His time on earth. It’s in that rhythm of work and family that sanctity is primarily found.


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