Peter Walking on Water

Today I am on the shore of the Sea of Galilee

We are all familiar with the story of St. Peter walking on water for a few moments and then sinking.

a.  Of course, walking on water is a natural impossibility. It’s just not within the scope of ordinary human capabilities.

                                         i.    But Jesus told Peter to do it. Jesus said, “Come.”

                                       ii.    And Peter did what the Lord commanded, he took the leap, got out of the boat and began to walk on water, at least until he took his eyes off Jesus. Then he sank. But Jesus pulls him out of the water, and, I bet you never thought of this, they walked back to the boat together

b.  And Jesus has commanded us to do things that also aren’t within the scope of ordinary human capabilities.

                                         i.    To love God with all our heart and soul and mind

                                       ii.    To love one another as He has loved us

                                      iii.    To forgive seventy times seven times,

                                     iv.    To do to others what you want them to do to you

                                       v.    To take up your responsibility to build the kingdom through family and friendship 

c.   These commands are simply too much for human nature. But human nature joined to Christ is capable of it. Christ fulfilled these demands, and He commanded we fulfill them.

                                                               i.      So it must be that, in obedience to Him and in union with Him, we can do this stuff. We can be perfect. We can be saints.


The New Minimum


The Work of the Holy Family