The Meal That Helps You To Heaven

There is enough grace in one Eucharist to make you a saint. Then why aren’t we? Because it is possible to receive the Eucharist and not assimilate what we have eaten.

We don’t receive the benefit we could because we cling to sins that block the grace from entering our soul. These need to be confessed. Then if we want to keep our soul open make the habit of a daily examination of conscience and regular confession – at least monthly.

Receiving the Eucharist should go hand in hand with daily meditation and a resolution. Prayer (meditation) opens the soul to receive the grace of the Eucharist.

Every meditation should end with a practical concrete resolution to live out what we’ve meditated upon. If we do these two things:

Make the habit of a daily examination of conscience and regular confession

Daily meditation with a resolution we actually practice

And we persevere in these

We will become a saint!


The Goodness of the Human Condition


Pilate and Indifference to Truth