The Goodness of the Human Condition

The Baptism in the Jordan

a.  The luminous mysteries are called luminous because they illuminate something, they shed light on some truth.

b.  The first is the goodness of the human condition

c.   At Jesus’ Baptism, He is recognized as a Son of God – with whom His Father is well pleased

d.  So too at our baptisms, we became God’s children – sons and daughters pleasing to Him

                                         i.    God says that He is well pleased with Jesus, before Jesus does any public service – before Jesus carries out the key components of His mission

1.  Because Jesus’ being is good – and the Father loves Him simply because Jesus is His child.

e.  The first truth of the human condition, then, which the luminous mysteries illuminate, is that our being is good – and our Father loves us, is pleased with us, simply because we are His children.


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