Need a Spiritual Mentor?

Listen to These Series

The Catechism | Dr. Mike Scherschligt
Discover all the teachings of Jesus Christ in one book: the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Being Catholic | Dr. Troy Hinkel
In this 10-week course, Dr. Troy Hinkel provides the tools to navigate our path to the Father.

Salvation History | Dr. Troy Hinkel
This is not the story of salvation for a people far removed from modern life. Rather, this series demonstrates how the story of Israel is your story and explains how you can respond to God’s plan.

Prayer & Spirituality | Dr. Troy Hinkel
A 12-part series that helps you learn how to live in a continual communion and relationship with the Persons of the Trinity. Be sure to access both the videos and printed material to receive the full benefit from Dr. Hinkel’s talks.

Our Life With God | Dr. Troy Hinkel
This class will discuss our call to holiness by exploring an apostolic letter from Pope Francis.

Mary’s Message | Dr. Mike Scherschligt
This ten week study with Dr. Mike Scherschligt presents Marian apparitions and their messages so that we can heed the call of Our Lady, change world events, and help Jesus save souls.

Islam, Christianity, and the Victory of Mary | Dr. Mike Scherschligt