School of Faith Prayer & Spirituality Course with Dr. Troy Hinkel

Christian life is lived in relationship with eternal Persons, one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From the doctrines (creed), participation in the mysteries (liturgy and sacraments), and use of our freedom (morality) flows a call to continual communion with the Persons of the Trinity (CCC #2558). This continual communion and relationship is lived in prayer and in service to our neighbor. This course serves as an overview of “Part IV” of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


Lesson 1 - The Life of Prayer
Lesson 2 - The Stages of Prayer
Lesson 3 - The Role of the Sacraments in the Interior Life
Lesson 4 - Mary and the Interior Life
Lesson 5 - Human Formation - Living Rightly, Living Well
Lesson 6 - Plan of Life
Lesson 7 - Purification and Penance
Lesson 8 - Sacrament of Reconciliation and Purification from Sin
Lesson 9 - Docility to the Holy Spirit
Lesson 10 - Discernment of Spirits
Lesson 11 - Spiritual Direction
Lesson 12 - Apostolate: Caring for the Soul of Others

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Printed Materials for Prayer & Spirituality