My Personal Salvation History

  1. FOCUS LIFE AND KEY RELATIONSHIPS: In a phrase, provide a basic description of what was important for you. Key relationships can be any relationship that you feel had a significant impact on your life at the time. The person mentioned need not be living now, it can also be someone you have not known personally and yet impacted you.

  2. MEMORIES OF GRATITUDE AND THANKSGIVING, JOY AND LOVE: What memories of persons, objects, institutions, events, etc. recall experiences of special thanksgiving? Describe simply these heartfelt experiences.

  3. MEMORY OF SORROW ANXIETY AND FEAR: What memories of persons, objects, institutions, events, etc. recall experiences of special thanksgiving? Describe simply these heartfelt experiences.

  4. MEMORY OF SINFULNESS: Naming a disposition in your heart that can actively alienate you or prevent you from receiving a deepening relationship with your true self in Jesus Christ. Name experiences of such an affective disposition in your heart, any interior attitude that prevented you from relating more fully with God, yourself and your neighbor.

  5. IMAGE OF SELF: Here you can record how you thought and felt about yourself in the environments in which you lived, played, worked... It may be helpful to describe how you spent your time and/or what you thought you were doing at the time.

  6. IMAGE OF GOD: This is an invitation for you to record in a phrase or two what your thoughts or images of God were (positive or negative) at different times in your life. If you had no image of God or cannot remember one, you can leave it blank.

  7. LIFE LESSONS - TEACHINGS AND HEALINGS: Here mention any pertinent learning that dawned for you and which significantly affected your growth in faith. Healings should be understood as any experience that significantly enlarged your heart's capacity to receive and to give love.

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Rule of Life Explanation