J.O.Y. Categories

The Art of Asking Good Questions & Listening (Part 1)

Note: These sample questions are organized into three relational categories (Jesus, Others, You = JOY) to inspire your conversation while leading the first half of a mentoring session. This is NOT a script but rather a guide so that the mentoring session is organic and natural while still attaining the objective.

1. Last time we talked about you doing ___, how did that go? (vs ‘Homework’)

J 2. Explain again the ideal prayer routine. Ask them to grade themselves: What grade do you give yourself and why?

J/O/Y 3. How are you doing living out your Rule of Life?

J/Y 4. What are your struggles, successes, and inspirations since we last met? In other words, what’s God put on your heart today?

J/Y 5. What are you reading spiritually? Is it helpful, why or why not? What resolutions came out of that?

J/Y 6. What are the positive or negative emotions you’ve experienced regularly since we last met (bored, tired, lonely, angry, stressed, joyful, excited, etc.)?

J/Y 7. What have you been reflection on? What keeps coming up?

Y 8. What is your body telling you these days?

Y 9. What material stuff/goods trigger positive or negative emotions?

O 10. How is/are your spouse/children/grandchildren/friends doing? Good or bad issues? Anything worried or excited about?

O 11. What’s going on at work? With your boss/staff/colleagues?

Sample question to lead to 2nd part of mentoring session: Which one of these would be most helpful for us to focus on?

(Consider using the questions related to a prudent decision next. You can find those questions in the Toolbox titled “Good Questions for a Prudent Decision”)

Printable Version (PDF)


Make a Prudent Decision


The Mentoring Session: “What do you want?”