What the Heck Is Going On?

What the Heck Is Going On?
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


People often ask me: What is going on in the world and what are we to do?

What is going on in the world is that summed up by two paragraphs in the CCC (386 and 675): Humanity is in the process of rejecting God and glorifying itself in place of God. St. Augustine in his book The City of God explains it his way: “Two loves have constructed two cities: self-love, carried to the extreme of disdain for God, seeks to build the city of man; the love of God, carried to the point of disdain for one’s self, seeks to build the city of God.” Humanity doesn’t think the world is big enough for both God and them, so God has to go.

God allows this because made us free. We are abusing our freedom and becoming slaves to sin. People in the world have become addicts to their lust for pleasure, greed for earthly goods, comfort, good health and security, and finally, self-assertion, pride and a lust for power. God will let this go on for a while, a time of mercy, to give people time to convert, to turn away from sin and back to God. But most addicts will not turn until the pain outweighs the pleasure. So we probably still have a ways to go before we hit rock-bottom in the world. Therefore, don’t expect anything to happen very soon other than the spiral down.

But do not be discouraged, Our Lady of Fatima promised the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and an era of peace. St. John Paul II said “Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima, it is the completion of Fatima.” (Slovimir Oder, Why He is a Saint p. 169). I believe after a very difficult period we will experience the Triumph of Her Heart. Until that time let’s reflect on this: It is a conflict between two loves – the love of self over the love of God; or the love of God to the disregard of self. Which city are you building?


So what are we to do?

This is why Fatima is so important. A little over 100 years ago, God, through Mary at Fatima told us precisely that all we see today would happen. And he gave us the remedy. He told us what to do.

June 13, 1917

Jesus wishes to make me known and loved. He wants to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. I promise salvation to those who embrace it, and those souls will be embraced by God like flowers placed by me to adorn his throne.”

The next month, July 13, 1917, Mary revealed the truth of Hell to the three children then stated:

You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them (from going to hell), God wishes to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.

There it is – God’s plan at this moment in history is to save the world through devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary consists in four things:

1.  Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

2.  Pray the Rosary everyday

3.  Sacrifice which means to take up your cross and follow Jesus. It means to accept and offer up your prayer, work, joys and suffering for the conversion of sinners  

4.  Be a Donkey of Mary

a.  Live the simple way of life friendship, good conversation with others and invite them to pray the Rosary with you.

These four things are the main responsibilities of the Members of the Movement of the Holy Family. We created the Movement as a way for people to join together and help one another live what Our Lady is asking. And its why we invite you to become members of this Movement. If we join together and do what Our Lady is asking, we can help change world events and save souls.  


In the approved apparition of Jesus and Mary to Gladys Quirogo de Motta, a wife and mother of two daughters, in San Nicolas, Argentina from October 13, 1983 to February 11, 1990, Mary said: “My daughter, as previously in Fatima, today my visits are renewed on Earth. They are more frequent and more prolonged, because humanity is passing through very dramatic times. Has man not understood that he must be uniquely at the service of God? If he resists, his soul is going to perish.”

And on December 30, 1989, Jesus said: “Formerly, the world was saved by the ark of Noah. Today the Ark is My Mother. Through her, souls will be saved, because she will lead them to me. He who rejects My Mother rejects Me! Many are letting the grace of God pass by in these days.”


Yesterday we emphasized the importance of a resolution, some practical and concrete thing to put into practice flowing from your meditation. Let me suggest a resolution for today. If the Ark is Mary and we are trying to get as many people on the Ark, a simple way to do so is to invite another person to pray the Rosary with you. Ask the Holy Spirit and Mary to help you, pay attention to their inspiration, then ask someone and leave them free to do whatever they want – but pray and ask.

When we start playing basketball we shouldn’t start with 3-pointers, but with lay-ups. Maybe begin by asking someone you already know to pray the Rosary with you – then when you get comfortable you can invite a new person to the Rosary.



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