Vitae Victoriae Erit

Vitae Victoriae Erit
Dr. Troy Hinkel


The Feast Day of Blessed Bartolo Longo is on Oct. 5, but some liturgical calendars place it today. His young adult life illustrates a relationship we moderns too easily overlook, the connection between abortion and the devil. For those of you who haven’t heard of him, Longo is a rather shocking saint. He was a practicing Satanist for several years before his conversion and return to the Catholic faith. He then became what St. John Paul II called, “the Apostle of the Rosary.”

As a Satanist, Longo practiced sorcery, divinization, drug use, and immoral sexual indulgences. He then became a priest of Satan and practiced the blasphemous black masses, which often included infant sacrifice through abortion. He ridiculed the Church publicly and supported any and all persecution towards the Church. Eventually, his hatred of the things of God and love of sin left him depressed, confused, and suicidal. Fortunately, a good friend brought him first to a holy priest where he went to confession, then to the rosary and the Miraculous Medal. By these means, Bartolo discovered that the life of holiness was far more satisfying and exciting than serving Satan and his false promises.

Satan had one last act of desperation, however, to keep the soul he thought he owned. Since Longo’s conversion was still new and his faith life in its infancy, the devil tempted him to despair, influencing Bartolo to doubt the authenticity of his conversion. “Despite my repentance,” he recounted, “I thought: I was still consecrated to Satan, and I was still his slave and property as he awaits me in Hell. As I pondered over my condition, I experienced a deep sense of despair and almost committed suicide.” It was then, in the depths of this struggle, he discovered in his pocket a rosary he didn’t know was there. He immediately started praying it and the darkness left him. He pledged to Our Lady his desire to rebuild the church and undo the consequences of his actions through dedication to the rosary. Today, we need many Bartolo Longos to rebuild our culture from the ashes, to renounce the works of the devil, and to rescue souls through the rosary.


The connection to idols and demon worship and demon worship to infanticide is revealed by God and confirmed by Longo’s experience. St. Paul writes to the Church in Corinth, “What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything? Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons” (1 Cor 10:19-20). In the OT, Moses warned Israel in the book of Deuteronomy not to practice idolatry, witchcraft, infant sacrifice, and immorality like the pagans did. “Because of these abominable practices the Lord your God is driving them out before you” (Deut 18:12). These practices would bring down a curse upon God’s people, and lead to their own destruction and exile (cf. Deut 27 & 28). Israel didn’t heed Moses’ warning, committed these sins, and were subsequently destroyed. “Therefore, the Lord was very angry with His people, and drove them out of his sight.” (2 Kgs 17: 18). Lord, sin hardens our hearts and prevents us from seeing the sad truth between abortion, idolatry, and immorality. Open the hearts and minds of all in our culture that we may turn from these abominations and avoid the fate of Israel.


These unholy sins of idolatry, immorality, and abortion are tied due to pride and lust for power. “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you,” St. Paul says, “immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming” (Col 3:5-6). Abortion is tied to idolatry because both lust for power, a power to claim for oneself the authority that belongs solely to God. Abortion attacks not only God’s authority, but the truth that every person is an unrepeatable gift and possesses dignity instilled by God, NOT man. To destroy the most vulnerable and innocent among us is to commit three murders: the child, parenthood, and Divine authority. This is why there is no social sin greater than this one. It is true, we must care for life at all stages, but this is my responsibility and yours, not the government’s. The Church teaches that it’s the responsibility of the government to make available what is essential to life as far as social human goods are concerned, but that simply means it can’t deprive anyone of these goods. The true care for others is the call for every Christian and is therefore relational and not merely political. But to attack children in the womb is now in the hands of politicians and legislators, which makes this the most preeminent political issue of our time. We must do everything in our power—socially, politically, morally, and spiritually to rid the world of this diabolic influence.


If Pride, immorality, and murder are the channels used by Satan to destroy our world, then we know that humility, purity, and charity are the three virtues that vanquish him and his plans. These virtues bring about the victory of life. “Vitae Victoriae Erit,” is a phrase used by St. JPII in his encyclical, The Gospel of Life, and means “Life Will Be Victorious.” It is also our Archbishop’s moto found on his Coat of Arms. He chose this moto to express his courageous dedication to the prolife movement and the certain hope that the truth will prevail, and life will be victorious. “I also chose it because Christ’s victory is the ultimate victory of life,” the Archbishop says, “and I hope that my ministry as Bishop will be the source of encouragement that the victory of life is Jesus’, but he allows us to be a part of it as it unfolds in our particular time.” Satan flees from humility, as it was pride that brought down humanity. He quails from purity, as it reflects the glory and integrity of Jesus. And he is crushed by charity, because God is love. If we wish to overcome evil, we need prayer and sacraments, but we also need to live these virtues and we will enjoy the victory of life!


What are the action steps we need for victory? Prayer and penance, especially the rosary. Next, pray for the Value them Both amendment. Next, support prolife causes and charities, and do not be silent, make your voice and presence known through your courageous efforts! It is easier to fight, despite the odds, when we know that in the end, we win! Our Lord has so designed this final victory to reveal the power and influence of His Blessed Mother. So let’s close with this prayer to her, “Mother Mary, we pray today for all mothers who are afraid to be mothers. We pray for those who feel threatened and overwhelmed by their pregnancy. Intercede for them, that God may give them the grace to say yes and the courage to go on. May they have the grace to reject the false solution of abortion. May they say with you, "Be it done unto me according to your word." May they experience the help of Christian people and know the peace that comes from doing God's will. Amen.”


St. Francis of Assisi


Guardian Angels