Two Currents

Two Currents
Dr. Mike Scherschligt

At every moment we have the choice of following one of two currents:

The first current is that of the world, the flesh (our fallen human nature), and the devil – that current will lead you away from God.

Or we can get in and flow with the Will of God which leads to God, everlasting happiness, and perfect peace.  

In this meditation I will give you a strategy to flow along in the current of the Will of God.


If we want to flow along in the current of the will of God – if we want to follow the will of God, then we must spend time talking and listening to God, we must spend time in daily meditation.

I know what my wife Sandy wants me to do because I spend time in friendship with her, talking and listening. I admit I don’t always do what she wants me to do – but I know. I know what Archbishop Naumann wants me to do because I spend time in friendship with him, talking and listening.

It is impossible to know the will of God if we do not spend time in friendship with him, talking to God from the heart and listening by reading and reflecting on the Word of God either in the Rosary or by going further in silent mental prayer.

If you are having trouble knowing the will of God – then spend more time in silence, asking God to reveal His will and listening.


God may or may not reveal His will to you in your allotted time of meditation. So go about your day while continuing to pay attention to what the Spirit is revealing to you through people and events.

Sometimes God will speak through a person. I finished my time in meditation today without knowing what God wanted me to do in three things. By five pm today – God had revealed his will to me through two friends and two conversations.

God always speaks through events – for nothing can happen unless God wills an event or allows it. In either case, God is at work – revealing His will for us. Through events and circumstances doors open and doors close. In general it is good to walk through open doors; and in general it is not good to try to walk through closed doors; it’s especially bad to force your way through them. God reveals His will to us through events. The question that remains is are we open to the answer God gives us. Can we accept the closed door as the will of God guiding us as readily as the open door?


If we want to follow the current of God’s will, then when something unexpected happens DO NOT react out of pride, ego, fear, anger lust, etc. Do not let emotions dictate your behavior.

Emotions are meant to prompt us toward good and away from evil. Therefore, when emotions arise, pause and think what good do I want or what evil should I avoid. Then redirect the emotion to that goal and express the emotion in action.

If the news makes you angry and you take it on those closest to you, stop and think – what good do I want or what evil should I avoid, then take the right action. Maybe that is shut the news off and take a walk outside with a friend. But just being angry at the news is counterproductive. 


If we want to flow along in current of the will of God it is good to seek counsel from a good friend, someone who knows you well and is not afraid to tell you the truth or what you may not want to hear.

St Francis De Sales in the Introduction the Devout Life writes:

“A faithful friend,” we are told in Holy Scripture, “is a strong defense, and he that has found such an one has found a treasure;” and again: “A faithful friend is the medicine of life; and they that fear the Lord shall find him.” These sacred words have chiefly reference, as you see, to the immortal life, with a view to which we specially need a faithful friend, who will guide us by his counsel and advice, thereby guarding us against the deceits and snares of the Evil One:—he will be as a storehouse of wisdom to us in our sorrows, trials and falls; he will be as a healing balm to stay and soothe our heart in the time of spiritual sickness,—he will shield us from evil, and confirm that which is good in us, and when we fall through infirmity, he will avert the deadly nature of the evil, and raise us up again.


We conclude by pointing out one trap the devil sets to keep us out of the current of God’s will

John of the Cross says that among the many wiles of the devil for deceiving spiritual persons, the most common is deceiving them under the appearance of good rather than of evil, for the devil already knows that they will scarcely choose a recognized evil. Thus you should always be suspicious of what appears good, especially when not obliged by obedience. To do the right thing, and be safe in such a matter, you ought to take the proper counsel. (Precautions)

Satan’s only goal is to prevent you from doing the will of God. Since the Devil finds it hard to tempt you to do evil, instead he tempts you to do some good thing that is not the will of God for you.

Just because the thing you are doing is good does not mean it is good for you or that God wants you to do it.

One could volunteer many hours for a good cause to the neglect of a relationship with God in prayer or relationship with family.

Are there good things you are doing that may not be God’s will for your life?




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