The God Given Truth of Sexuality

The God Given Truth of Sexuality
Dr. Mike Scherschligt

May 29th is the feast of Pope St. Paul VI. From 1963 to 1978 he guided the Church through the Second Vatican Council and had the wisdom, foresight and courage to give the world arguably the most controversial and prophetic teaching on the transmission of human life – Humane Vitae, on July 25, 1968.

The God Given Truth of Sexuality

The God given reality or truth of sexuality is this: Marriage sex and babies belong together and in that order. God has brought these three things together in a tight knot to reveal in the world His own eternal mystery of life-giving love and to ensure the flourishing of individuals, families, and societies. Contraception severs the ties between marriage sex and babies with devastating consequences. If you separate sex from babies you also separate sex from marriage in principle and in practice. Sex leads to babies and when you maintain that we intuit readily that the people having sex should be those and only those who are committed to embracing the consequence of sex which is children. Sex leads to babies. So who should be having sex? Only those who are committed to raising babies. That commitment has always been marriage. But as soon as you sever sex from babies you also sever sex from the commitment to marriage. That is why the divorce rate skyrocketed from 20% to over 50% once contraception was universally accepted while simultaneously marriages have declined by 2/3, 66%. Divorce, and the breakdown of marriage and family, the fundamental cell of society, are the direct negative consequence of contraception.

What does matrimony mean?

The word matrimony literally means the call to motherhood. Its root is matriarchy – motherhood. If we remove the call to motherhood from the sexual equation, then the goal of sex becomes pleasure. When sexual pleasure becomes the goal of sex rather than children, then other human beings become objects for sexual pleasure. Once the relationship is based on pleasure, rather than the commitment to marriage and family, the relationship will only last if the pleasure lasts. If sex is separated from babies, then it also is separated from the unitive good of marriage, then the woman becomes an object for pleasure and once the pleasure is gone there is nothing to hold the marriage together. Now you see why contraception leads to divorce.

Infidelity and contraception

Marital infidelity is a consequence of contraception. Why is that? Throughout human history the fear of an unwanted pregnancy was a main deterrent to infidelity. With contraception and abortion, we remove that fear and the deterrent. That is why the rates of adultery have also skyrocketed. The fear of an unwanted pregnancy was also the main deterrent of premarital sex. Take away the deterrent with contraception and we have the skyrocketing of premarital sex since 1968. It is well known that no method of contraception is 100% effective therefore, we need a safety net when contraception fails – therefore contraception necessitates the need for abortion because if the child was not wanted before conception, he will not be wanted after conception. We will never end abortion until we end contraception.

Why get married at all?

If sex is about pleasure and not about children, then why get married at all? Marriages have plummeted by 2/3 since 1970. Divorce has risen from 20 to over 50 %. Now that we have separated marriage, sex and babies, every first world country in under replacement level for children so we are quite literally making ourselves extinct. It takes 2.15 children for each woman to keep your population at zero growth. The birthrate in America is currently at 1.7% because of the contraception, abortion, the sterilization of women and men, the refusal to get married and the rise in divorce. No society can economically sustain itself if it will not have children. No society can sustain itself in anything if it won’t have children. The refusal to have children is societal and cultural suicide. Don’t you see my friends that the devil wants to destroy the fundamental cell of society, marriage and family so that he can destroy everything. The devil has only one obsession – destroy. No one is forcing us to do this – we are killing ourselves.

The consequences of contraception

When we break apart marriage, sex and babies we end up redefining all three: babies become a clump of cells we can get rid of; sex becomes simply an exchange of pleasure in which gender is meaningless and changeable; and marriage becomes a governmental stamp of approval on whatever your preference of pleasure exchange might be. This was all predicted in 1968 when Pope Paul VI prophesied the devastating consequences of contraception in Humanae Vitae. He foresaw that if we give in to widespread use of contraception it would result in the lowering of morality - we have experienced that in the sexual revolution; men would lose respect for women and treat them as objects for pleasure; we have seen that with the explosion of pornography and its addiction; Governments would use contraception and abortion as weapons to control other countries demanding that those countries accept the policies of contraception, sterilization and abortion or they would not receive economic aid and finally, people would come to believe they had unlimited power over their own bodies as we see today in abortion (I have a right to do with my body and my unborn babies body whatever I want); I can choose my gender and the gender of my partners. The Catholic Church is the only institution on the planet upholding God’s plan for marriage, sex and family. It is the only plan that leads to faithful marriages, the protection of the unborn, respect for woman, the health of families, the environment necessary for a child to flourish and reach their potential. All of this is the foundation for society to flourish. If you would like to learn more about the Catholic churches teaching in this area, go to Christopher West and the

If you have participated in any of the sinful practices I have mentioned, you are certainly not alone and in no way outside of the loving grasp of the merciful hands of God. If this is something in your past, then tell God you are truly sorry and receive His mercy and healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If this is something in your present, then ask God for the grace of conversion and change. You will be greatly aided in this process also through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


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