Trustful Surrender


In the last few meditations we’ve been discussing the nature of God, why His existence is necessary, and what that means for our existence. But as we move through these concepts in rapid succession it’s important to stop for a moment and truly process what this means for our life.

Too often, we feel like our life is out of control. We feel like everything is just chaos. But yesterday, we meditated upon the order God has placed in the universe and how this order is one of the ways we know with certainty that God exists and that He is watching over us.

Take the planets and stars for instance. There are 88 official constellations that, when lines are drawn from one to another, form a picture like Orion the Great Hunter, Leo the Lion, or Taurus the Bull.

With a star map sailors could figure out where they were and what direction to go because they could rely on the order and orderly movement of the constellations.

This order could never arise from chaos. It could only come from a Supreme Intelligence, from God.

One of the best ways to be reassured you are not alone in the world, that God is there, watching over you, is to go out into the country at night, and simply look up.


Often we can feel as if our world and our lives are pure chaos.

I can’t understand why things are happening and I can’t see what I should do. Sure, I know that there is order in the stars, but too often I look up and I just see…random dots. I can’t see the big picture.

Most days I do not know what to put in these Rosary meditations; I am not sure what the best thing is to do to help my elderly parents; I don’t know how to help people evangelize their family and friends or build a movement of spiritual friendship; I’m not sure what pilgrimages or retreats to offer; I don’t know how to get my loved ones to God and Heaven.

Maybe you don’t know what to do for your marriage or one of your kids or about your job; maybe there is some chronic health problem you can’t solve.

We all have things that feel like chaos; puzzles we can’t solve…

What feels unsolvable to you?


Feelings are often not a good indication of reality.

We can feel like things are out of control, unsolvable and hopeless. But feelings are not a good indication of reality.

Reality is that God is a God of order. He is there. He sees you. He is watching over you and He can guide everything to the most wonderful conclusion.

We call the way God guides all things to good – Divine Providence.

Providence comes from the word Pro-videre (to see things on our behalf)

A.  From all eternity God saw what you are going through right now; You couldn’t see what was coming, but he did.

B.  Even though you can’t understand what you are going through, even if you don’t know what to do, God does, He is with you, and He sees it, meaning, He understands it on your behalf.

C. No matter what you are going through, God will see that it works in your favor, if you cooperate with Him.

Now, understanding and believing in God’s Providence doesn’t mean that you will suddenly see the big picture, the order in the chaos, but you don’t have to. You just have to have faith that it’s there, even if your feelings don’t indicate that reality at first.


How, then, do we cooperate with Providence 

First - don’t lose your head and do something stupid just because you can’t see the big picture or do what seemingly needs to be done.

Maybe you can’t do what you wanted but don’t let that stop you from doing what you can.

So, take responsibility, think - what can I do? Do that and don’t procrastinate.

Finally – Surrender the rest to God because His providence will take care of everything that is beyond your control or your scope of responsibility.


Nothing can happen in life unless God wills or permits it. And if He permits it, then God will work it for your good.

St. Catherine of Siena had a simple answer for those who were scandalized and rebelled against what happened to them: "Everything comes from love, all is ordained for the salvation of man, God does nothing without this goal in mind."

God guides all things to contribute to our spiritual welfare, not only the grace He gives us, not only those natural qualities He endows us with, but sickness, world events, the forces of nature, and apparent failures and defeats.

St. Augustine tells us, even our sins, which God does not want us to commit, He still permits in order to lead us to humility, a greater reliance on Him and a purer love for Him. This is why God allowed Peter to deny Him three times - to make Peter more humble, less self-reliant, and more trusting in divine mercy.

Too often when we feel like things are chaos. We tell ourselves it is hopeless, that all is lost, and we are tempted to despair, to give up. But nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is lost with God. With God things are never hopeless.

If God could bring an orderly universe out of chaos, then He certainly has the power and love to help you.

So, never say it is hopeless. Instead say, “I don’t know what to do – yet. But God does.”

He is with me. He sees me and will see this through either by revealing the way to go, or by fixing it himself, or by changing me or taking me to heaven.


God is the Source of Morality


The God of Order