Thy Kingdom Come; Thy Will Be Done

Thy Kingdom Come; Thy Will Be Done
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


What is the Kingdom of God? Pope Benedict answers

Jesus himself is the Kingdom; the Kingdom is not a thing; it is not a geographical dominion like worldly kingdoms. It is a person; it is He. (Jesus of Nazareth vol 1. P. 49)

The Kingdom is Jesus. Is that what you want? Do you long for Jesus?

Where is the Kingdom to be found? Jesus answers this question. He tells us the Kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21

Jesus lives within you; in your soul!

God is not expecting you to overcome all temptations and fears and become a saint on your own. Jesus wants to live in you and through you – to do it for you – if you will let him.

CCC 2074 When we believe in Jesus Christ, take part in the sacraments, avoid evil and do good, the Savior Himself comes to love, in us, his Father and his brothers and sisters.

Jesus is the Kingdom, and the Kingdom begins to reign in you when you unconditionally invite Jesus to live in you and to live through you.

Constantly ask Jesus to live through you.

Jesus, I surrender to you; take care of this for me.

This is not giving up or being irresponsible.

·       This is actively cooperating with Jesus so that He can live through you.

·       So stop trying to do everything on your own; stop resisting; invite Jesus to act through you.


Pope Benedict says: The first and essential thing is a listening heart, so that God, not we, may reign. The Kingdom of God comes by way of a listening heart. That is the path. And that is what we must pray for again and again. Benedict, Jesus of Nazareth Part 1, p. 145-146

There is absolutely no other way to allow Jesus to live through you than by beginning with a listening heart.

If you spend time asking God what to do and listening patiently in silence. One way or another He will show you. Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.

But, if you do not spend time, and I mean at least 30-60 minutes each day, asking and listening patiently in silence, then you chose to go it alone – tell me how that works for you.

Our Lady wants us to pray the Rosary every day. But she encourages to take another step. To spend time reading the Word of God, talking to God from the heart and listening to him silence.

Will you take the next step?


Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven

A listening heart is the only way to know the will of God

And we can know the will of God by

·       1st, Knowing ourselves. If you know yourself realistically, then you will know what to do with yourself. Few people, however know themselves because we are afraid to look at ourselves in the presence of God – do not be afraid.

·       We know the will of God through His commandments and the teachings of Jesus found easily in the Bible and the CCC

·       God’s will is expressed to us by the duties of our state in life. Fulfill your responsibilities and you are doing God’s will.

·       However, the circumstances that I cannot change are the clearest expression of what God wills or allows. If I can’t change it and God hasn’t changed and He allows it, then it must be His will. So remember, God works all things for God for those who love him.


It is hard to accept the will of God when it appears bad – very bad

God allows evil and suffering in the world

·       To preserve human freedom

·       Because God can bring good out of evil if we align our will to his

How do we remove a cross?

·       Align your will to His

·       What you did not choose, do not like, cannot change,

·       Accept with trust and Offer with love

·       Thank God ahead of time what He sends or allows

·       Then the Cross is gone


Teresa of Avila writes in her commentary on the Our Father in her book the Way of Perfection Chapter 32

God knows what each one can suffer. He does not delay in doing His will in anyone He sees has strength. Well, I want to advise you and remind you what His will is.

Don't fear that it means He will give you riches, or delights, or honors, or all these earthly things. His love for you is not that small, and He esteems highly what you give Him. He wants to repay you well, for He gives you His kingdom while you are still alive. Do you want to know how He answers those who say these words to Him sincerely? (Thy Will be done) Ask His glorious Son, who said them while praying in the Garden. My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but Your will be done in me.

Since these words were said with such determination and complete willingness, see if the Father's will wasn't done fully in Him through the trials, sorrows, injuries, and persecutions He suffered until His life came to an end through death on a cross.

Well, see what God gave to the one He loved most, His only Son. By that we understand what His will is. For these are His gifts in this world. He gives according to the love He bears us: to those He loves more, He gives more of these gifts… And He gives according to the courage He sees in each and the love each has for His Majesty. He will see that whoever loves Him much will be able to suffer much for Him; whoever loves Him little will be capable of little.

In the Divine Comedy, Dante writes a line that has always captured my attention - In His will is our peace

We will only find happiness and peace by wanting, doing and accepting the will of God.

Do not fear the will of God. For His will for you is better than your ideas and desires

In His will is our peace

Make your driving force be the will of God


Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread


Our Father Who Art In Heaven