Thy kingdom Come


There are seven things we ask God for when we pray the Our Father. The first is that his name be hallowed. The second is Thy Kingdom Come!

What is the Kingdom of God? Pope Benedict answers, “Jesus himself is the Kingdom; the Kingdom is not a thing; it is not a geographical dominion like worldly kingdoms. It is a person; it is Jesus.” (Jesus of Nazareth vol 1. P. 49) 

When we pray “Thy Kingdom come” we are asking God to give us Jesus, we are asking for transforming union with Jesus. That is the goal of life. 

Is Jesus the thing you want more than anything else?


God alone satisfies!

Happiness is the thing we are searching for in everything we do. 

Everyone wants to be happy.

So, we look for happiness in food and drink and good health and safety and security. We seek happiness through our pursuit of achievements in our professions, professional prestige, and wealth. We look for happiness in relationships, in girlfriends and boyfriends, husbands and wives, kids and grandkids. We seek happiness in entertainment and travel and all kinds of experiences. We seek happiness in rest and relaxation. But we will never find what we are looking for in any human person or earthly thing. 

The things of this world are good. But nothing is perfect, it’s not lasting. Everything comes to an end, and no matter how much you have of achievements, wealth, relationships, or experiences – they will never be enough. Because we were made for union with God, union with Jesus.

God alone satisfies. Jesus alone is the Living Water that can satisfy our thirst for happiness.

So, the first step to receive the Kingdom is to stop looking for it in the wrong places. 


We receive the Kingdom, we receive Jesus, in Prayer.

Teresa of Avila tells us that prayer, “is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us.” Life 8:5

If we want the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom is Jesus, then what we want is a deep friendship with Jesus.

What does friendship take? Time together. Doing what? Talking, listening, and just being together. If you want Jesus, then do that. And you are right now in this Rosary. But Jesus is inviting you to spend more time with him.

We just said that we all want happiness and nothing in this world will satisfy because we were made for union with Jesus. If that is the case, and it is the case, then why not spend more time with Jesus in prayer? 

Evaluate for a moment how you spend your leisure time. Now I am not saying you must spend every extra moment in prayer. In fact, we are going to do a series of meditations on good leisure in November. However, do you really think you are going to find your ultimate happiness in another hour of news, or sports, or scrolling through YouTube or social media or some political commentary? Does any of that leave you totally satisfied and fulfilled when you are done or does it leave you unfulfilled? Or even worse, angry and filled with anxiety?

Only Jesus can satisfy the deep longings of your heart. He is calling you to spend more time with him. Let him draw you.


The great master, John of the Cross, says there are two reasons we don’t receive Jesus in his fullness. The first is that our souls need to be purified. The second is that they need to be strengthened. 

In Matthew 11:12 Jesus says something astounding, “Since John the Baptist came, up to this present time, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence and the violent take it by storm.” (Mt 11:12) 

What on earth does Jesus mean by this? Right now, Jesus wants to flood your soul with his life, with the Living Water. Then why doesn’t he? What is the hold-up? We are. Let’s face it, we want other things more than we want Jesus.

We want some good things more than we want Jesus. We want good health and safety and security. We want relationships. We want achievements and success. And we want some bad things more than we want Jesus. We want pleasure and power and recognition and escape in ways that are sinful and destructive. 

These disordered loves and misplaced desires prevent us from receiving Jesus. We need to get rid of all that is killing us spiritually. The pride, vanity, envy, sloth, anger, greed, gluttony, lust, the gossip, the resentment, and all the wasted time on useless and harmful things.

So Jesus is telling us that if we really want Him, then we need to get a little violent with ourselves and get rid of all that prevents us from receiving Him because He is the Kingdom. 


Finally, John of the Cross tells us that if we want to receive Jesus, our souls need to be strengthened. 

The divine love and life of Jesus is so infinitely powerful, delightful, and amazing, that if He were it pour Himself into us fully right now, if he were to flood our soul with the Living Water, our poor weak little soul would burst. It is not strong enough to handle what Jesus wants to give.

So our soul needs to be strengthened. And how does Jesus strengthen our soul to receive more of the Living Water? By the Cross. Jesus strengthens our soul by trials, difficulties, failures, sicknesses, suffering, and finally, by death.

But we resist the work of God. As soon as something we don’t like happens we complain, we get angry or depressed, we beg God to stop and we try to run away through alcohol, drugs, food, and entertainment. But if we want to receive the Kingdom, receive a flood of Jesus who is the Living Water, then we must stop fighting God.

It is not easy but it is very simple. What you did not choose, do not like, and cannot change, accept it with trust. As Mother Teresa said, “Accept what Jesus gives and give what he takes with a big smile.”


Thy Will Be Done


Hallowed Be Thy Name