Three Steps to a Good Decision


Prudence is the art of making good decisions.

There are three steps to making a good decision: Deliberation; Judgment, and Execution.

The first step is to deliberate. This is where you gather all relevant information about the decision at hand.

We want our decisions based on reality. But too often we base our decisions on disordered desires and feelings rather than on what is true and good. So, the first thing we need to do is get to the truth of the matter – get to Reality.

Gather the facts, all the relevant information, especially the teachings of Jesus handed down by the Church. Separate the relevant from the irrelevant info and weigh the pros and cons. Take counsel with those who are more experienced, and knowledgeable in the matter at hand. Take counsel with God in prayer. Talk to God about it. Ask Him what to do. Listen to Him. If it’s a big decision take counsel with your Spiritual Director

Failure to deliberate adequately is called rashness. This is the failure to think before you act; the failure to look before you leap and that is deadly.

Are you rash? Do you make hasty decisions?


The second step to Prudence is to make a judgment, tp make a decision

This is when you stop vacillating and you say I am going to go this way, I am going to do this thing.

To do this you must separate the relevant from the irrelevant information, narrow down and eliminate options and make a decision.

Part of judgment is getting rid of information that doesn’t matter. It’s not relevant and in fact, it clouds your ability to make a judgment, a decision.

The failure to judge, to decide, is called negligence or indecision. It’s otherwise known as paralysis by analysis. This is where we’re just thinking things over forever and we never reach a decision or take action.

Do you ever suffer from paralysis by analysis? Do you have a hard time making decisions?


The third step of prudence is execution, that is, to take action and carry out the decision you made. It’s following through to completion.

This is where you take action and get it done, where you fulfill what you said you’d do. Where you carry out your judgment.

The failure to act or execute is called irresolution or inconstancy. This is the failure to follow through on your decisions all the way to the point of completion.

Do you struggle with a lack of follow-through?


There are three steps to prudence: deliberate, make a decision, and then take action and follow through to the end.

There are three dangers to avoid: Being rash, indecisive or irresolute. Which bad habit do you have?

Are you rash, do you leap before you look? Are you indecisive and get paralysis by analysis? Or are you irresolute – you can make a choice, but you struggle to follow through and fulfill your resolutions? Once you identify your weakness, make the conscious decision to work on that area of prudence, and by practice and grace you will improve, it will get easier and you will grow in the art of making good decisions.


With every decision, we should begin with the end in mind.

In the end, what we want is to be happy and perfect happiness comes from union with God by doing and accepting his will. So slow down and think, what is the will of God? If you do not know, ask him. If you do know and don’t like it, ask him for the grace to do or accept his will. God always makes it possible for us to do His will and reach happiness.


What We Owe God


Prudence, Conscience, and Compassion