The Trinity In My Soul


Indwelling Trinity

There in only one source of peace and security in this life, only one unshakable foundation, only one place that is not shifting sand, and that is God who lives in the most surprising place – right in your soul.

John 14:20-23 In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you…If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home in him.

During this decade be aware of God dwelling within you.


St. Elizabeth of the Trinity writes: God in me, I in him: let that be our motto. How good is this presence of God in us, in the hidden holiness of our soul! It is there that we always find him – even if we no longer feel his presence, he is still there, indeed he has drawn even closer to us!”

It’s not a matter of feeling the presence of God; it is a matter of knowing He is present within us. And how do we know it? Because Jesus told us so in John 14 which we just read to you. Faith is to accept as true what Jesus tells us.


In the reported Apparition of Our Lady of America, which Cardinal Burke wrote all the US Bishops, encouraging them to its veracity, Mary said on July 18, 1980 to Sr. Mary Ephrem:

The Presence of the Trinity within every human being is the focal point, the basis of interior holiness. From this will spring a deep life of prayer and a love for penance as the discipline needed to convert all people to a serious preparation for the coming of my Son and His Kingdom…You must try to make my people understand that the life of God within them is the source of their peace and happiness. There is no other way. This is what my Son came to teach and bring and it was for this He lived and died. Unless this mystery of God’s presence within is accepted and lived, peace will not come. It is the only way, believe me… believe me!


In The Spiritual Canticle, John of the Cross, writes: 

Oh, then, soul…so anxious to know the dwelling place of your Beloved so you may go in search of him and be united with him, now I am telling you that you yourself are his dwelling and his secret inner room and hiding place. There is reason for you to be elated and joyful in seeing that all your good and hope is so close as to be within you, or better, that you cannot be without him… Do not go in pursuit of him outside yourself. You will only become distracted and wearied thereby, and you shall not find him, or enjoy him more securely, or sooner, or more intimately than by seeking him within you. Spiritual Canticle Stanza 1


In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus taught: “When you pray, go to your inner room and, when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in that secret place, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.”

The inner room is your soul. So every time we go to pray, whether it is in the Rosary, at Mass, a Holy Hour, Stations of the Cross, or with the prayers we start or end our day, as we talk to God throughout the day, even our prayer before meals…stop and imagine that God is in you and be with Him there. I cannot stress this enough. This is why Jesus came to us. This is how we pray. This is how we open the door to let him transform us.


Keep Your Head in the Game


Saint Photina