The Queenship of Mary


Today we celebrate the Reality that Mary is the Queen of Heaven and Earth, but when you look around, is she really? It seems like people are living in open rebellion against her and God.

At Fatima in 1917 Mary promised that in the end Her Immaculate Heart would triumph and there would be an era of peace. Peace will come when most people do the will of God.

We are a long way from that. Right now, the world is addicted to sin.

Addicts will not change as long as they think that they are still in control, that they can manage their lives as they are.

Because of this, the world is going to grow more and more out of control as we head to rock bottom, fall away from the faith, and become further immersed in the addiction of sin.

In her approved apparitions Mary, many saints, and mystics have warned us there will be a minor apostasy, a falling away from the faith, which we are experiencing now throughout Europe, North and South America. 

This is to be followed by a world-wide purification of which Our Lady warned us at Akita, Kibeho, San Nicolas and others if we do not repent and convert. This world-wide purification will bring the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Era of Peace promised at Fatima and the New Evangelization. St. John Paul II foresaw the "New Evangelization" and a "Civilization of Love" in the Third Millennium of Christianity

This would place us in the period just before the world wide purification and Re-evangelization of the entire world – Not the End of the World.

Our Lady has said her appearances and messages at Medjugorje are the completion of what she began at Fatima. There Our Lady is reported to have said: “What I started in Fatima, I will complete in Medjugorje. My heart will triumph.” Our Lady has given 10 secrets to the Visionaries at Medjugorje. The only thing Mirjana will say about the secrets is this: “Our Lady is planning to change the world. She did not come to announce our destruction; she came to save us, and with her Son, she will triumph over evil.”. 

We often look back at history and think of our own times as boring by comparison, but I promise you, this is truly the most exciting time to be a Christian!


St. Louis De Montfort gives an astonishing prophesy that toward the end of this age, the cosmic battle between Mary, the woman clothed with the Sun and the Dragon, Satan will be openly manifest.

In these latter times Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, power and grace: in mercy, to bring back and welcome lovingly the poor sinners and wanders who are to be converted and return to the Catholic Church; in power, to combat the enemies of God who will rise up menacingly to seduce and crush by promises of threats all those who oppose them; finally, she must shine forth in grace to inspire and support the valiant soldiers and loyal servants of Jesus Christ who are fighting for his cause.

As Scripture states in the Song of Songs 6:10, Mary must become as terrible as an army in battle array to the devil and his followers…Thus, the most fearful enemy that God has set up against the devil is Mary, his most holy mother…

But Mary’s power over the evil spirits will especially shine forth in the latter times, when Satan will lie in wait for her heel, that is, for her humble servants and her poor children whom she will rouse to fight against him…in union with Mary, they will crush the head of Satan with their heel, that is their humility, and bring victory to Jesus Christ.”

True Devotion to Mary, paragraphs 49-54


At this time, Mary is calling all her sons and daughters to fight at her side.

And how are we to fight?

Begin in imitation of Jesus. Consecrate or give yourself entirely to Mary to be her little son or daughter, depending entirely upon her.

Then the Secret of Mary, according to Montfort, is to live the Consecration.   

a.  Each day renew you consecration to Mary

b.  “Mary, I give myself and all that I am responsible for to you.”

c.   Cultivate an awareness of her presence at all times

d.  Every time you see an image of Mary, let it remind you she is with you

e.  Then talk with her. Ask her what to do. Wait for her inspirations and follow them the best you can.

f.    You are a little child learning to walk in her presence

g.  Ask Mary to replace your thoughts with her thoughts, your feelings with her feelings, your choices with her choices.

h.  To live in complete dependence on Mary, is complete dependence upon the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit carries out his mission through her.


The Hail Mary and the Rosary are the Weapons Queen gives us to use in the spiritual battle

Just as the salvation of the world began when the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary and said: “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you”; and immediately after St. Elizabeth responded to the greeting of Mary saying, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb,” so to in our time, salvation of the world and each individual is bound up with the Hail Mary.

For this reason the Rosary is the spiritual weapon that Our Lady gave us to rout the cursed enemy, Satan, because it is the hammer that crushes his head.

The Rosary is the spiritual weapon to defeat Satan and the powers of darkness by breaking their hold on souls because the Holy Spirit and Mary work to do three things through the Rosary:

They reveal Jesus to the soul chained to sin and dwelling in darkness;

They dispose or open that soul to receive Jesus;

They form Jesus in that soul.

In this way they will come to love and do the will of the Father and reach perfect happiness.

Then we will experience the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the era of peace.

But you and I must commit to do our part and persevere and spread the Movement!


In this spiritual battle, it’s important to remember that people are not the enemy, we’re not fighting them, we’re fighting for them.

We can’t demonize, condemn, or alienate people. We have to be in relationship and spend time together.
Whatever you do alone, invite others into it. Make dinner for friends, work out with friends, go on walks together. If you’re going to watch a movie, why not invite someone to join you? Invite people over for drinks or coffee. There isn’t much to it, because most people don’t care what the invite is. They just want to be in relationship with others.

This is why we’ve been trying to take back Sundays.

You can invite family and friends to join you at Mass, or come together for a meal. Do good things that help you celebrate the goodness of others and the goodness of creation.

Sunday is the day we delight in God, delight in one another and delight in the goodness of creation. Teach people the beauty of delight and it will open their soul to God.


More Than a Feeling


Loving Others for God's Sake