The presentation of jesus in the temple


Today is the feast of the Presentation, the 2nd Joyful Mystery.

Forty days after Christmas, Jesus was brought to the Temple in Jerusalem.

Simeon, inspired by the Holy Spirit took Jesus in his arms and said: “Now, Lord, you can let your servant go in peace, just as you promised; because my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the nations to see, a light to enlighten the pagans and the glory of your people Israel.”

Then, turning to Mary he said: “You see this child: he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is rejected - and a sword will pierce your own soul too so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.”


Jesus is the Redeemer and Mary is the Co-Redemptrix, the woman united with the Redeemer in his saving mission.

Jesus and Mary are united in a mission to overthrow the reign of Satan in this world and set free all those he holds in slavery by sin and the fear of death.

Immediately after Satan gained power over this world by sin, God foretold of his defeat. In Genesis 3:15 God confronted the Devil saying, “I will make enemies of you and the Woman, and your offspring and her offspring; She will crush your head while you lie in wait for her heel.” Genesis 3:15

The Catechism (410) says this is the first announcement of the Redeemer and of a battle between the Serpent and the Woman; and of the final victory of Jesus Christ.


Mary has been given the role of crushing the head, the reign of Satan on earth. She calls her sons and daughters to join her by means of the Rosary.

The late exorcist of Rome, Fr. Gabriel Amorth, related that during an exorcism, Satan was forced by God to reveal the power of the Rosary saying: “Every Hail Mary of the Rosary is a blow to the head for me; if Christians knew the power of the Rosary, it would be the end of me.”


St. Maximilian Kolbe wrote:

“Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future. The conflict with hell cannot be engaged by men, even the most clever. The lmmaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. However, assumed into heaven, the Mother of God now requires our cooperation. She seeks souls who will consecrate themselves entirely to her, who will become in her hands effective instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spreading of God’s kingdom upon earth.”

Since 1991 I have felt this call to join Jesus and Mary in this mission to rescue souls. Now I ask you to join us in this Rescue Mission.

So what am I asking you to do? Three things:

    I.        Consecrate yourself to Mary. Invite Her to come into your soul and live within you and be not only the Queen of the Universe but the Queen of your heart.

  II.        Commit to meditate upon the Word of God everyday at the School of Mary in the Rosary. Daily meditation, I mean really thinking about the Word of God combined with a simple concrete resolution is the infallible means to holiness.

III.        Commit to foster Spiritual Friendship   


Solitary embers quickly grow cold but a heap of burning coals quickly sets everything ablaze.

The devil seeks to isolate, divide and conquer. Mary seeks to unite her children and her soldiers together because she knows we will find strength and joy in friendship, and the devil will be less likely to discourage or defeat us if we are a heap of burning coals.

Invite the people in your life to come together regularly. By this I mean once a week. God created a day for this – Sunday - so that we would invite family and friends to get together to share a meal or some good activity. Then be genuinely interested in them by asking good questions. And most importantly – delight in them.

Commit to this and make it a priority every week. Then over time, when you see the time is right, invite those people to the next right step for them spiritually. Ask them if there is anything you can pray for. Or invite them to pray themselves. Or invite them to learn more about God or go to Mass or pray the Rosary with you or come on a retreat or a pilgrimage with you.

Alone we grow weak and cold. Together we cannot be stopped. The heart of Mary is the flame of love. Gathered around her in the Rosary we will be set on fire and together we will be a blaze that cannot be stopped.


Man and beast


The gift of work