The Movement of the Holy Family

The Movement of the Holy Family
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


In 1917 on the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Free Masons, they were demonstrating in St. Peter’s square, right outside the window of the Pope in Rome,

·       proclaiming their intention to destroy the Catholic Church

·       and institute a world-wide cult to Satan

St Maximilian Kolbe was in Rome at that moment and witnessed this first-hand. His response was the form a Movement and a spiritual army called the Militia Immaculata – The Knights or Soldiers of Mary

Their Objective

·       To win the whole world for Jesus Christ

·       By leading people to the maternal love of Mary

Members of the M.I. were to

·       Consecrate (entrust) themselves entirely to Jesus through the hands of Mary

·       Wear the Miraculous Medal

·       Use every means possible to bring people to Christ, 

·       Especially prayer to Mary

·       And the distribution of the Miraculous Medal

o   Silver bullet

The Conflict with Hell cannot be maintained by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. She will crush his head

Kolbe’s aim

·       To belong totally to Mary  

·       In this way one might “become a fit instrument for introducing and increasing the glory of Mary to the maximum in so many strayed and indifferent souls, and thus help extend as far as possible the blessed Kingdom of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.” 


What Kolbe faced regarding Masonry

Political and intellectual operatives who were militantly committed to:

·       Secret knowledge gained by joining a secret society and thus operated covertly to gain power

·       Materialist philosophy claiming that only this world and its pleasures matter

·       Hatred of God and any claim to moral law that interferes with their desires and goals

·       Wanted to destroy All Religion, especially Catholicism by infiltration and causing scandal

·       Subversion of morals to corrupt culture

·       Control of Society by deceit and manipulation

Sound familiar? This is what we face today, and the consequences of this attack has resulted in the destruction of faith, the family, the rapid rise of isolation, loneliness, a loss of hope, violence, sexual perversion, extreme fear and ultimately despair with a mind boggling speed. How did we get here from there and so fast…what are we going to do to stem the tide?


As I have watched these things unfold with greater and greater speed I have often turned to St. Maximilian Kolbe, asking him what we should do in response. At times I have thought we need to bring his Movement, the Militia Immaculata to life here. But when I was at Kolbe’s Monastery in Poland last summer Kolbe impressed upon me very distinctly and powerfully, undeniably: No Michael, the Militia Immaculata was for my time and culture. Your time and culture need its own movement, one that meets the needs of the people of your time.

We have lost the family and people no longer have an experience of the virtue of friendship – all people need and want deep friendship.

They no longer know the art of good conversation, without which there is no genuine intimacy and friendship; people want good conversation.

Finally, our culture has in large part rejected organized religion and even has an aversion to Jesus Christ. However, for some reason, they are drawn to this beautiful Lady who is our Mother and the Queen of Peace, Mary, the Mother of God, and through the Rosary she leads them gently to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  


It is so simple but what the world needs is a movement of Families and Friends who live a way of life that is simple, normal and beautiful, a way of life of friendship, good conversation and the Rosary. That is the Movement of the Holy Family.

I want to invite you to become a Member of the Movement of the Holy Family. This Movement is a public association of the faithful; it is a way for people to make a choice to come together as a body, a family, as a spiritual army and to share in graces that won’t be shared in otherwise.

This really hit me last night, and I think it was providentially given to me: in the house that I was at last night, I asked the mother who was hosting how she become so faithful and she, “We really weren’t, my family wasn’t, and then my younger sister became a cloistered Poor Claire, and then we began to experience the effects of her prayers and sacrifices.


The reason we are a public association of the faithful is because we choose to associate together so that we can create this spiritual reservoir that effects everybody connected to us.

But this doesn’t happen by just praying the Rosary. We must make a conscious decision, a choice to become a member, to enroll, so that we can share in all of the graces of all the members and so that all of your loved ones, your kids, grandkids and your friends benefit from the spiritual army you now belong to.

Members of this Movement of the Holy Family are family, a body, an army, that support and care for one another. We fight for one another. I have your back and you have mine and we all collectively have the back, the good, of all our loved ones. We are all fighting together.

But it takes an act of the will, a choice, you must enroll to receive the spiritual benefits because there’s something embodied and Incarnational that’s essential for this.

Once you join, you participate in all the graces that you did not before.

So I am inviting you to click the link in the email, text or show notes of this podcast and learn about and become a Member of the Movement of the Holy Family. Let’s come and live life together, we’re gonna have some fun!


Reality Overcomes Fear


St. Bartholomew