The Miraculous Medal


November 27th is the Feast of the Miraculous Medal. 

On this day in 1830, Mary appeared to St. Catherine Laboure in a small chapel in Paris. Our Lady was clothed all in white. She was standing on the earth. Under one of her feet was the head of a green serpent, representing Satan whom she was crushing with her heel, and in her hands, she held a golden ball surmounted by a cross.

Catherine then explained what she saw, “All at once I saw rings on her fingers, three rings to each finger. Each ring set with gems which emitted rays. Mary said, ‘This ball that you see represents the whole world…and each person in particular.’ Referring to the rays coming from the gems Our Lady said, ‘They are the symbols of the graces I give to those who ask for them. The gems from which rays do not fall are the graces for which souls forget to ask.’”

“The golden ball disappeared in the brilliance of the sheaves of light bursting from all sides; Mary’s hands turned out and the arms were bent down under the weight of the treasure of grace obtained. Then the voice said: ‘Have a medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for those who wear it with confidence.”

Catherine related the vision to her bishop. He gave orders for the medal to be cast and they began to distribute it among the people under the title of the Medal of the Immaculate Conception.  However, so many miracles occurred for those who wore the medal around their neck with faith and prayer that it took on a new name – the Miraculous Medal. 


The Coming Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

It was revealed to St. Catherine Laboure that there would come a time in the future when Mary would be accepted around the world as the Queen of the Universe and, through her, Jesus would become the King of all Hearts. I love the fact that this feast usually comes right after the feast of Christ the King because once Mary becomes the Queen of all hearts, then Jesus will become the King of all hearts. This is what St. Louis de Montfort said.

St. Catherine prophesied, “Oh, how wonderful it will be to hear Mary proclaimed by all people as Queen of the Universe... It will be a time of peace, joy, and good fortune that will last long; She will be carried like a banner, and She will make a tour of the world."

This is similar to what Mary promised on July 13, 1917, at Fatima when she said, “In the end, my Immaculate heart will triumph…and an era of peace will be granted to mankind.”

According to the prophecy of Genesis 3:15, Mary has the God-given role to crush the head of the serpent, to overcome the pride of Satan. But before this time of the Triumph, there will be a time of great trial. 

Now we are witnessing the time of the great revolt of Satan against Our Lord and Our Lady. However, Mary has her foot on Satan’s head. His time is short, but he seeks to sweep as many souls into hell by his tail before his time is over.  

That is why God and Our Lady call us to wake up to the spiritual battle and help them save as many souls as possible by means of the Rosary, by offering sacrifice, by friendship, and by the Miraculous Medal. 


The Miraculous Medal has brought the grace of many conversions.

Alphonse Ratisbonne grew up in a family of Jewish bankers in France in the early 1800s. In 1842 he became engaged to a young woman but before they were married he took a pleasure trip to Rome where he stayed with a Catholic family who were business partners with his father. While staying in their home, the Catholic husband and wife began to speak with him about faith in Jesus. Alphonse, being very worldly-minded, wanted nothing to do with God. Finally, the couple promised they would not bring up the subject again if he would agree to wear a Miraculous Medal around his neck and say the words on the medal, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee,” every day for one week. To shut them up, he consented. 

Shortly after, on a cold winter day in January, the 20th to be exact, the Catholic businessman and Alphonse were passing by the Church of St. Andrew of the Woods in a carriage when he informed Alphonse he needed to stop in the Church to attend a funeral wake. Since it was cold, Alphonse decided to wait in the back of the Church in a side chapel. There, Mary appeared to Alphonse, showing him the dire state of his soul, that he was headed to hell for his unbelief, pride, and selfishness. He was cut to the heart, recognized the truth, and experienced a profound conversion. He immediately asked to become Catholic. Ultimately he became a Jesuit priest and then founded a Religious Order, Notre Dame de Sion, (Our Lady of Zion) which operates many schools around the world. 


St. Maximilian Kolbe was ordained in the same chapel in which Mary appeared to Alphonse Ratisbonne. 

Kolbe made the wearing of the Miraculous Medal an essential part of his Militia Immaculata, which he gave to everyone he met.   

St. Maximilian writes, “Because conversion and sanctification are divine graces, the Miraculous Medal will be the best means for reaching our purpose. For that reason, it constitutes a first-rate weapon of the Knights of the Immaculata; it is the bullet with which a faithful soldier cuts down the enemy, that is, evil, and thus rescues souls. Let us contribute all our strength in bringing about what was already foreseen by St. Catherine Laboure…that the Immaculata be queen of the whole world and of each soul in particular as soon as possible.”


I wear a big blue miraculous medal and I always carry a few extra to give away.

In May of 2022, I was in Lyon, France for the Beatification of Blessed Pauline Jaricot. 

At our hotel was a young woman that I noticed was always working, always, day and night. After a few days, I noticed she seemed to be in great pain. So I asked her why. She said they were greatly understaffed and the exhaustion and stress had made her neck so stiff and painful she couldn’t move it. I then asked if I could give her a gift and offered her a miraculous medal. She took it and ran off. I wondered if I offended her, but she had gone to the restroom to put the medal on the chain she was wearing. She came back beaming.

The next morning she saw me and began waving her hand and shaking her head back and forth. She rushed to me saying that when she awoke that day all the pain was gone. She said she knew it was the medal. I reassured her it was the woman signified by the Medal, that Mary was her mother as well as mine and if she would turn to her, Mary would help her in everything!

So what is our resolution? On one level people are just not open to Jesus. Well, the Catechism (687) tells us the mission of the Holy Spirit is to dispose us, open us to receive Jesus and have faith in Him. And the Holy Spirit works through Mary. And a great way to introduce people to Mary, their Mother is by the Miraculous Medal! 


Our Lady of Kibeho


Christ the King