The Miraculous Image of Guadalupe

The Miraculous Image of Guadalupe
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


The Miraculous Image of Guadalupe

Yesterday we learned the story of Guadalupe, today the miracles of the Image of Guadalupe

Recall the Aztec nation was enslaved to a cult of human sacrifice; 50,000 men, women and children annually. One out of every five children were put to death. It is hard to imagine such a barbaric culture, yet Americans have murdered on average one million children each year since 1973. More than 50,000,000. One out of every five children have been sacrificed to abortion.

Furthermore, the Aztec culture wanted nothing to do with Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church.

The Aztec seemed impossible to convert and just when it looked as though all hope was lost, Mary the Mother of God appeared to Juan Diego, she left a supernatural, virtually indestructible sign, and within nine years, the entire Aztec nation converted to Jesus Christ and entered the Catholic Church.


At Guadalupe in Mexico City, in 1531 Mary left a permanent indestructible sign – the Tilma – the cloak bearing her image – and 10,000,000 Aztecs converted.

Why? Because they could read the Tilma.

·       This woman is greater than their Sun god of war

·       Greater than their Serpent god under her feet

o   Both of whom demanded human sacrifice

·       She is a Queen – designated by the blue-green color of her robe

·       She is a virgin – signified by the parted hair

·       She is pregnant – indicated by the maternity belt

·       This woman was a Queen, who was also a virgin yet she was pregnant – pregnant with whom?

·       The four-petal jasmine flower over her womb told them she was pregnant with the One True God

This woman is the Virgin Mother of the One True God

But she herself was not a god because she was praying to the one indicated by the black cross on her broch – Jesus Christ

He came to offer His life in sacrifice to put an end to all human sacrifice and set us free from demonic forces.


Miraculous nature of the Tilma.

A “tilma” was a cloak made from cactus fibers

·       It lasts for no more than 20 years.

·       The tilma of Juan Diego is 490 years old

It laid on the floor before the altar of the Church for 116 years,

·       exposed to constant human contact, candle smoke, heat and humidity

In 1791 Nitric Acid was spilled on the Tilma

In 1921, the Marxist radically anti-Catholic Mexican Government which had outlawed Catholicism, planted a bomb with 29 sticks of dynamite in a flower arrangement next to the Tilma. When it detonated, it shattered the marble altar, altar rail, marble flooring, smashing windows and doubling over a brass Crucifix – yet the Tilma was unharmed.

1979 a group of scientists from the Univ. of Florida and NASA studied the image.

In their conclusions they reported:

·       The colors are not paint or dye

·       There are no sketch marks or brush strokes

·       The Image does not even rest on the fibers

·       but floats above the Tilma at a distance of 3/10 of a millimeter without touching it

Stars - 1981 astronomers demonstrated that the arrangement of the stars on the Tilma match those found over Mexico on December 12, 1531


The Secret in Her Eyes

Digitally enlarged 2500 times with extremely high resolution there appear within both eyes of Our Lady of Guadalupe the 13 people who were in the room when Mary appeared on the Tilma

Dr. Tonsmann, in his book, The Secret of Her Eyes, documents the numerous studies that indicate

·       when the eyes of Our Lady are exposed to light, the retina contracts, and when the light is withdrawn, it returns to a dilated state, just as it happens with a living eye.

·       The eyes of Our Lady’s on the tilma have been ophthalmologically determined to be alive. 

Photographer’s Account

Ivan Esther, one of the best technical photographers in Mexico but an agnostic, was commissioned to photograph the Official Digital Image of the Tilma.

While standing on a ladder to get a better shot, he zoomed in on the eyes of Our Lady and suddenly became so startled that he fell off the ladder as he began exclaiming, “She’s alive! She’s alive!” He immediately confessed that the eyes of Our Lady reacted just as the eyes of a living person. He subsequently converted.

In some manner, the tilma bearing the image of Mary bears her presence – she is not distant. Our Mother is with us.


The Presence of Mary

“Hear and let it penetrate into your heart, my dear little son. Let nothing discourage you…Am I not here who  am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Are you not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else that you need?

Everyone is experiencing uncertainty, division and isolation. But Our Lady reassures each one of us, “Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? What more do you need?

Much of our culture seems hopeless and lost. That is precisely when Our Lady likes to take action. But she is asking for your commitment. The entire Aztec Nation converted because those who knew shared the story. And they had no technology or social media.

You know – you must share the story.

I have included a link to the Rosary telling the Story of Guadalupe. Share it with someone who does not pray the Rosary or has stopped praying the Rosary. Then later, follow up with them and ask them what it caused them to think about. And then help them sign up for the daily podcast and to create the habit of the daily Rosary – for that is the means Our Lady has given us to convert the culture and help bring about the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and the era of Peace.


Advent With John of the Cross


Our Lady of Guadalupe