The Joyful Mysteries

The Joyful Mysteries
Dr. Mike Scherschligt

ONE | The Annunciation

Very often anxiety and depression come from the belief that we are not good enough, we are inferior, worthless. We put too much pressure on ourselves to achieve so that we will be valuable.

Pride is the lie that my personal worth comes from some achievement. That is not true. Our personal worth is received from God. We receive His image when we are conceived, and we receive His divinity when we are baptized. Our value is to be a child of God and that is received, not earned.

But no one wants to be loved except for what they have accomplished. However, this establishes a criteria no one can keep up.

Mary shows us where to find our true worth. It comes from God. It is a gift from Him. It can only be received.

She received her value from God when He made her in his likeness and placed His Spirit in her soul. Then at the Annunciation God invited Mary to receive his Son: “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus.” Mary responded, “I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to your word.” Mary received all God had to offer. That is what makes her great.

Mary teaches us that receptivity must come before accomplishment if we are to avoid the destructive cycle of pride and anxiety.

two | the Visitation

God asks Mary to receive before she takes action. Receptivity must come before action. Mary receives God’s divine life in Jesus, then she goes with haste to the hill country of Judah to take care of Elizabeth and John the Baptist.

When Mary entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth, both she and little John the Baptist were filled with the Holy Spirit, and he leapt for joy in her womb.

It is the presence of Mary that brings the Holy Spirit to Elizabeth and John and enables them to recognize and accept Jesus.

Let us invite the presence of Mary into our lives. Welcome her into the house of your soul by consecrating yourself to her this Advent.

The presence of Mary will help you receive Jesus in a greater way this Christmas.

Say in your heats now these words I say aloud: Mary, I am all yours and all that is mine is yours.

three | The Birth of Jesus

God is found in the most unexpected of all places, a baby lying in a manger. But you will not find him without the help of the Mother.

Through Mary, the Holy Spirit brings us into communion with Jesus. And the humble are always the first to accept him: first the shepherds and then the Magi.

If we want to find Jesus, then we go to the Mother.

But we must go by the way humility. Humility knows our worth is a gift from God – His image and His divinity given to us. Humility protects us from running off in the wrong direction to find our value in anything other than God. Humility points us toward the manger, not away.

I think we should give the star that guided the shepherds and the Magi a name – humility.

four | The Presentation

At the presentation Simeon was inspired by the Holy Spirit and said to Mary: ”A sword will pierce through your own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

Mary is the Mother of Jesus. At the Cross, when the sword of sorrow pierced her heart she became our Mother as well. Jesus said as much, “Behold your mother.”

Mary knows our thoughts and feelings which can be so confused and disordered.

Ask her to replace your thoughts and feelings with her own. Surrender yourself to her. Then she will conform them to the will of God and you will be at peace.

five | The Finding in the Temple

Mary and Joseph had to learn to surrender or abandon themselves to God when they faced things they could not control or did not understand.

Their 12 year old son disappears. Its not been three days and they can’t find him. Imagine the panic and the fear.

Finally they found him. And they were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, 'My child, why have, you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.' 'Why were you looking for me?' he replied 'Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father's affairs?' But they did not understand what he meant.

Jesus knew what he was doing in the lives of Mary and Joseph. Jesus also knows what he is doing in our lives. But like them we often do not understand.

Mary and Joseph want to teach us to surrender to Jesus when we face things we cannot control or understand. He knows what he is doing – he is bringing about the Father’s plan for your life.

Trust him. Say to him, “I don’t like this, I don’t understand this, but I trust you. Jesus, I surrender to you. Take care of everything.”


Advent | The Journey of Longing


Abandonment and the Nativity