The Devil's Cosmic Game Plan

The Devil's Cosmic Game Plan
Dr. Troy Hinkel


Satan’s game-plan is to abolish the trust and love of God in our hearts by making us think we need to replace God by defining for ourselves human nature—maleness and femaleness—and the nature of good and evil. The House of Representatives recently passed the so-called “Equality Act.” In the name of offering rights to people who identify as “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer” or LGBTQ, the Act reinforces the unscientific and unchristian idea that your nature, including your gender, is something that you simply create or decide for yourself.  And it forces conformity, despite conscientious objections. In one way, this is a radically new ideology. In another, it’s as old as the Book of Genesis.

Genesis tells us, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them…” (Gen 1:27.) This truth establishes the very basis for all created things, including the relationship that created things have with our God. God is creator, He created us male and female, He determines good and evil, and He reveals Himself through His Word. Man and woman are born to relate to God and to each other by a loving acceptance and obedience to His Word. This is how they know God exists and how they lived in paradise, namely, harmony with God and creation. We would’ve lived there too if not for one small, little problem that turned colossal and catastrophic: they believed the liar and thought they could define reality themselves. Satan lied when he said, “Your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God.” (Gen 3:5.) He sells the idea that we can create our own version of reality and be the god of our own identity. This lie brings sin and death because we think we can replace God, the source of life, with ourselves.


To be created in God’s image and likeness means that God created us to be united to Him as His own family. To be able to respond with love, He gave man a will and an intellect to freely chose to know and love Him. To be able to respond to each other with marital love, he made them male and female. And herein lies the trouble: man and woman’s imagination is primed for attack, to be warped by the enemy in one’s perception of God and fail in this love, to see both God and each other as a threat, rather than as a gift. And now, even the givenness of their being, maleness and femaleness, is viewed as a threat.

Jesus identifies Satan as a murderer and liar from the beginning (cf. Jn 8:44.) Satan approaches Eve and offers her a lie about God. Pope St. John Paul II gives this insight into the nature of Satan’s murderous lie and cosmic game plan of attack: “The God of the covenant is made to look like a king jealous of his rule, an adversary of man whom man needs to resist, against whom mand needs to rebel.” (Sign of Contradiction, p. 29.) John Paul goes on to say that the truth about the God of the covenant is destroyed in Satan’s lie, and the destruction is complete. “Yet Satan is not merely the author of the false conclusion,” the Pope points out, “he is determined to impose his own position, his own attitude to God.” (ibid. p 30.) By imposing himself on the psyche of Adam and Eve and through them all of us, the devil seeks to abolish the Fatherhood of God in the hearts of all men, convincing us that God, not the devil, is the dictator, and to induce all of us to “turn towards the world and to stray progressively in a direction opposed to the destiny to which we have been called.” (ibid p. 31.)


Thus the lie from Satan involves getting us to think we can overthrow God the dictator with our own defiance to His plan by defining goodness based on our desires, not God’s Word. We think in so doing we will find not only true freedom, but a world of peace, prosperity and togetherness without God or His arbitrary laws. The Catechism teaches, “Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth… (#675, CCC.) Thus, do we now see the temptation for humanity to oppose God. The Pope goes on, “We could even say that in the first stage of human history this temptation was not…fully formulated. But the time has now come: this aspect of the Devil’s temptation has found the historical context that suits it.” (ibid. p. 34.) For humanity to achieve its pinnacle of success, so this lie claims, man must be liberated from the very idea of God. The Word is supplanted by the Anti-Word; the Church by the anti-Church; Christ by the Anti-Christ. Make no mistake, when God’s Word is supplanted by man’s feelings and experiences and is judged and rejected, the sprit of the Anti-Christ has made its appearance, the spirit that has been at work in the world since the Ascension. And the result will be the damnation of many souls. Lord, help us see the dangerous path we are on as a culture and nation, and to reject formally and morally the goal to replace you with ourselves.


Sr. Lucia one of the Fatima visionaries, wrote to Carlos Cardinal Caffarra in the 1980’s that “the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid,” she added, “because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue.” (From interview with Diane Montagna, May 19, 2017.) Then she adds, “but do not worry because Our Lady has already crushed his head.” Our Lady has promised in multiple apparitions that in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph. We need to therefore ask ourselves, “am I with God, acknowledging Him and His word as the determining force for my experiences? Or am I against Him and His word, determining His word based on my experiences?”


To win this decisive battle, or, rather, to be part of the force that brings about this victory, Our Lady asks us to do the following: Consecrate ourselves to her, and especially this year, to St. Joseph as well; make the first five Saturdays; go to confession and receive Holy Communion frequently; make sacrifices in union with Jesus, and pray the rosary! As Catholics and Christians, and especially as members of The Movement of the Holy Family we are called to accomplish these very things. We are an army of spiritual warriors as well as a community of family members falling under the protective mantle of Our Lady and St. Joseph. And let our Senators know that we will not be apart of this rebellion against our God in the legislation called the Equality Act! Viva Christo Rey!


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