The Chair of St. Peter

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Need for a Visible Head for the Visible Body of the Church 

Today is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. Now, we aren’t celebrating the chair he sat in as some relic. This feast is a celebration of the authority, both teaching and governing, that Christ entrusted to Peter, which continues in the papal office today. 

Not to use too violent an image, but if you cut a person’s head off, that person will no longer be able to direct or govern his body. You can’t tell your hands what to do, or your feet what to do unless you have a head to tell them with. 

So if the Church is Christ’s Body, what is the head that Christ uses to govern this body? 

Some people will tell you that Christ Himself is the head. And that’s true, of course, if we mean simply that Christ rules over the Church, or that Christ is in charge of the Church. But how does Christ rule over the Church? After all, we can’t see Christ anymore. So, to us, Christ is no longer a visible head of the Church.  

So what we need is a Church with a definite, visible structure, and a definite, visible source of leadership. Which is why Christ gave His Church a Pope. 


Instituting the Papacy 

Jesus officially gave His Church a pope in Matthew 16, after Simon confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus replied, “Simon son of Jonah, you are a happy man! Because it was not flesh and blood that revealed this to you but my Father in heaven. So I now say to you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. And the gates of death can never hold out against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 

Jesus makes Peter the Rock (the name “Cephas” or “Petros” just means “rock”) on which the Catholic Church is built. He gives Peter the Keys to the Kingdom, which is a sign of authority over the whole Church. And Jesus confirms that authority by saying, “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 

He says that the gates of death will not prevail, which means that even though Peter will die, the Church and the office of the papacy that support it, will not. The successors of Peter will continue to guide and govern the Church with the authority of Christ until the end of time. 

People always want to know why Catholics have a Pope or a Papacy. And there are all kinds of practical answers to that question. But the most important is simply that Jesus gave His Church a Pope and a Papacy. That’s why we have it. That’s why we still have it.  


Other Petrine Passages 

There are other passages too where Peter is acknowledged in the New Testament as the Chief Apostle. For instance, in Luke 22: 28-32, Our Lord gives Peter the exclusive mission of strengthening the other apostles. In Matthew 17: 24, 27, Christ instructs Peter to pay tax for the both of them together. Peter thus becomes the public representative of Christ, their identities have become linked, and so too Peter's authority must be respected as Christ's authority.  

But two very interesting passages having to do with Peter are Luke 12 and John 21. In Luke 12, Peter asks if a particular teaching is for everybody. And Jesus said, “Who then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the master will put in charge of his servants to distribute the food allowance at the proper time?” (Luke 12:41-42). Jesus tells Peter that there’s going to be one steward whom the master puts in charge of the other servants. What is this steward’s job description? To “feed” the servants. Then, after the Resurrection, who is the only Apostle that Jesus instructs to feed all his sheep? That’s right, it’s Peter. (John 21:15-18).  

Which means that Peter is the servant who’s been put in charge, by the Master, of the other servants. This is the way God runs His household, by putting one servant in charge of the others. And His household still has a steward, a steward who can trace his lineage back to that first steward, that first rock, the Apostle Peter.  


Good and Bad Popes over the ages  

It’s important when we’re talking about the Papacy to remember what Jesus said to Peter when He first made Him pope. He said, “Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, Simon son of John, but my Father who is in Heaven… What you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven. What you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.”  

So, Simon gets the right answer, not because of his human character (his “flesh and blood”), but by God’s grace. So too, the Pope will get the right answer to questions about Christ, not because he’s a better human, but because God will keep him safe from error. That is because Jesus promised to give the Pope a share in His own infallibility (CCC 889).

Infallibility means that when the Pope is teaching officially on matters of faith, what we are to believe, and morals, how we are to live, Jesus will not let him teach something that is wrong. There have been bad popes and mediocre popes and saintly popes (just as Peter was sometimes bad, sometimes mediocre, and sometimes saintly), but none of the popes have ever officially taught something that was wrong or contradicted one another about the faith.  

That’s quite an incredible record. Almost like the Holy Spirit is ensuring that no Pope, no matter what his personality is, will ever teach what is wrong with the voice of Peter. That’s a great reassurance. 


Unity and the Pope 

Jesus called Peter the rock and said He would build His Church on that rock. Jesus also said, in the Sermon on the Mount, that if someone doesn’t build his house on the rock, then when the storms come the house will collapse and fall apart. Those Christian communities, protestants or Orthodox, who have rejected the Rock of the Papacy, those communities have fragmented and broken into 10s of 1000s of different groups who are no longer united in belief or prayer. King Henry VIII thought he knew more than the Pope and he ended up a Schismatic who destroyed the Church in England. 

The Catechism in paragraph 882 explains that the Pope is essential for maintaining unity in the Church. If someone breaks away from unity with the Pope, they are also separating themselves from the Church and, therefore, from Christ. Because the Church is the Body of Christ, and the Pope is its visible Head, ensuring that all members stay connected. Essentially, staying united with the Pope keeps you united with the Church and Christ. 

So, if we attack the Pope we are attacking Christ, His visible representative on earth. Some people like Pope Francis and some don’t, but the fact is that he is our Pope, he is the one through whom Christ continues to teach and shepherd us. And the fact is, on every controversial and important matter of faith and morals, Pope Francis has been totally faithful and correct in his official teaching.  

So let us pray for the Pope. And let us pray that God prevents us from ever attacking the Pope, for to attack him is to attack Christ since the Pope is the visible representative of Christ to the Church.  

Suggested Resolutions:

Choose one resolution for today to help you grow closer to God, or create your own. Here are some ideas to inspire you.

  • This week, be mindful of how you talk about the Pope and remember that to attack the Pope is to attack Christ, who he represents on Earth.


Spiritual Warfare


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