The Best Christmas Prep

Blessed Pope Pius IX said: “Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” I say, give me an army of fathers and grandfathers who are willing to get down on their knees in front of their families and invite them to pray the Rosary this Christmas season and we will conquer KC and from there the world! Let us begin in the Name of the Father…


It is likely you are overwhelmed by the desire to make everything perfect for Christmas, or you live with a person like this or you will be interacting with someone like this. Now, you may admit being in the 1st category but more likely you think it’s everyone else who has this problem; but the reality is we all suffer from the disordered desire for control. The Big Book of A.A. describes it too well:

Any life run on self-will can hardly be a success. On that basis we are almost always in collision with something or somebody, even though our motives are good. Most people try to live by self-propulsion. Each person is like an actor who wants to run the whole show; is forever trying to arrange the lights, the scenery and the rest of the players in his own way. If his arrangements would only stay put, if only people would do as he wished, the show would be great. Everybody, including himself, would be pleased. Life would be wonderful… What usually happens? The show doesn’t come off very well.

Our universal problem is Pride – we want to control all things - that is God’s role, not ours. We want to control, change and fix, or at least be the armchair coach who has all the answers when in reality - we are powerless to fix our own sin and broken human nature let alone anyone else’s. We must come to realize we are powerless over our sin and our life. Yes, yes, I know, God gave us a brain and we must be responsible, but stop it – we tend to use that as a subterfuge or excuse to keep trying to be God. We are not.


We must quit playing God. It doesn’t work. It never did. Before Christmas turn your life and your will over to Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Teresa of Avila urges us to surrender ourselves totally to God: Lord, I am all yours. I place myself in your power and I want to follow you wherever you go, even to death on the cross knowing you will help me bear it and you will never leave me alone with it. Life 11:12. Then Teresa says: Those who see in themselves this determination have no reason, no reason whatsoever, to fear. Spiritual persons, you have no reason to be afflicted. Once you are placed in so high a degree as to desire to commune in solitude with God and abandon the pastimes of the world, the most has been done. Praise His Majesty for that and trust in His goodness who never fails His friends…His Majesty leads the way along the path He desires. We belong no longer to ourselves but to Him.


Then before Christmas take a personal inventory: a business which takes no regular inventory usually goes broke. We need to take stock honestly and identify what is blocking us from transforming union with God. Resentment, anger and fear are the big offenders. We should set this down on paper. List the people, institutions or principles with whom we have resentment, anger or fear: three columns: I’m resentful at; The Cause is; the way it affects you personally. When you have finished that make a list of all the things for which you are Grateful to God. Gratitude is the greatest way to conquer all three offenders. 


Serve someone out of charity. But don’t expect to save or heal them – expect that the best way for God to save and heal you is when we turn from self-centeredness to help others. You will be interacting with many people this Christmas season. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct to whom you speak, what to ask and what to say. Pay attention to the inspirations of the Spirit. Have a genuine curiosity, wonder, and fascination in the lives of all you talk with by asking questions about their life. Ask them what they have been thinking most about over the past year or months. Ask them what they are reading, watching or listening to and why. Then offer to share the Daily Rosary podcast with them.


Surrender to God occurs most notably in our daily meditation where we unite our will to God’s will and we slowly begin to desire for ourselves what He desires. Each day read some good spiritual book or listen to this podcast. Reflect upon whatever strikes you. Consider what God is teaching you or asking of you. then make the resolution to do it. The next place surrender occurs is in serving others – placing their needs ahead of our own. Now I am living and loving a life of surrender, a life that is Christ’s.


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