Solemnity of St. Joseph

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St. Joseph, Icon of God the Father 

Today is the Solemnity of St. Joseph. What is the big deal about St. Joseph? Why do we need him when we have God as our Father? The Catechism (paragraphs 302-308) explains that God chooses to show His love and care through things we can see, touch, and understand because that's how humans naturally learn and experience truth. 

God, in His goodness, enjoys involving angels and people in the way he takes care of us. This isn't because God needs their help, but because He generously wants us to have the joy of participating and sharing in His loving work.

In a sense, St. Joseph is an icon of God the Father in his care for Jesus, Mary, and the Church. In his Apostolic Letter on St. Joseph, Pope Francis writes, “In his relationship to Jesus, Joseph was the earthly shadow of the heavenly Father: he watched over him and protected him, never leaving him to go his own way. We can think of Moses’ words to Israel: 'In the wilderness… you saw how the Lord your God carried you, just as one carries a child, all the way that you travelled' (Deut 1:31). In a similar way, Joseph acted as a father for his whole life.”

God the Father cared for Jesus through Joseph, His "shadow." Likewise, God continues to care for us, His adopted sons and daughters, through His shadow and icon, St. Joseph. Therefore, when we turn to Joseph for his protection and guidance, we uniquely experience the tender love and care of God the Father.


Teresa of Avila and her challenge 

Teresa of Avila experienced the love and care of God the Father through St. Joseph. Around the age of 23, she was paralyzed and after three and a half years of immense suffering, she turned to St. Joseph who obtained her miraculous healing.

She writes, “I took for my advocate and lord the glorious St. Joseph and earnestly recommended myself to him. I saw clearly that as in this need so in other greater ones concerning honor and loss of soul this father and lord of mine came to my rescue in better ways than I knew how to ask for. I don't recall up to this day ever having petitioned him for anything that he failed to grant. It is an amazing thing the great many favors God has granted me through the mediation of this blessed saint, the dangers I was freed from both of body and soul. For with other saints, it seems the Lord has given them grace to be of help in one need, whereas with this glorious saint I have experience that he helps in all our needs and that the Lord wants to us understand that just as He was subject to St. Joseph on earth -- for since bearing the title of father, being the Lord's tutor, Joseph could give the Child command -- so in heaven God does whatever he commands.”


Patron of the Every Need 

The Little Sisters of the Poor are a religious order that takes care of the elderly indigent in nursing homes where they provide for all their needs by going out to individuals and businesses to beg. 

This religious order takes a fourth vow of hospitality. They love it when you come for a meal with the residents and they will ask you what you like to drink, do you want water or coke or beer. And whatever they are running low on in the nursing home they'll place a little statue of Saint Joseph on one of those things as a form of prayer. 

One little sister of the poor in Milwaukee who was in charge of begging got on the public bus one morning. A well-dressed businessman saw her and asked her why she looked a little distressed. She told him that she was heading out to beg for many things they were out of. The man reached into his pocket took out a business card and gave it to her saying come and see me later today. He happened to be the CEO of Schlitz beer company. And provided many hospitable beverages to give to those who visited them.

I was putting on a retreat for a thousand teenagers in 1995. I asked them to pray to St. Joseph that soft drinks would be provided. The next day a semi from Dr. Pepper came with many many pallets of pop. 

Then Teresa gives us this challenge, “I only ask for the love of God anyone who does not believe me to try, and he will see through experience the great good that comes from recommending oneself to this glorious patriarch and being devoted to him.”


The Seven Privileges of St Joseph according to Mary of Agreda

“I have been informed concerning certain privileges conferred upon St. Joseph by the Most High on account of his great holiness, which are especially important to those who ask his intercession in a proper manner. In virtue of these special privileges the intercession of St. Joseph is most powerful: 

“First, for attaining the virtue of purity and overcoming the disordered desires and vices; 

Second, for procuring powerful help to escape sin and return to the friendship of God; 

Third, for increasing the love and devotion to most holy Mary; 

Fourth, for securing the grace of a happy death and protection against the demons in that hour; 

Fifth, for filling the demons with terror at the mere mention of his name; 

Sixth, for gaining health of body and assistance in all kinds of difficulties; 

Seventh, for securing the blessing of many children in families.”


Joseph even cares for fools

Before I was experienced in international travel, my wife Sandy and I took our three oldest kids, ages 13 to 11, to Medjugorje. Before we left, a friend of mine told me that rather than exchanging money in America, just take your debit card and a Discover card and get money in Europe. So we flew into Venice because I was friends with the rector of the seminary there. Immediately, we went to an ATM at a bank, inserted my debit card, and the bank confiscated it and mailed it back to America. All we were left with was a Discover card, which no one takes in Europe. We gathered up what cash we had, which was about 250 dollars, and we took a ferry across the Adriatic Sea to Croatia. 

The ferry ride was paid for, but our room was in the very bottom of the ship and the kids freaked out, so we had to move rooms, which we were billed for when we got off the ship. Because we had no money, the captain of the ship wouldn’t let us off in Croatia. And while we were pleading with the Captain, our van driver arrived. He immediately paid for the ferry. I informed him I had no money, I couldn’t even pay him, to which he responded, “No problem, it’s all paid for.” As we drove to Medjugorje, thinking that he didn’t understand me, I tried to explain that we couldn’t pay him. He kept repeating, “It’s not a problem.” So I asked his name, to which he responded, “Beppo,” which means, “Joseph.”

We knew immediately that God had sent St. Joseph to take care of us. And from that point forward, people paid for every step of our journey. Every meal, every room, every vehicle until we arrived home in America. 

So, we went to encounter Mary and with her, we met Joseph in the most powerful way. So, don’t forget Joseph. Go to St. Joseph for all your needs and you too will experience his care!

Suggested Resolutions:

Choose one resolution for today to help you grow closer to God, or create your own. Here are some ideas to inspire you.

  • This week, entrust yourself to the care of St. Joseph in all your needs and pray with the confidence of St. Teresa of Avila.

  • Spend time in prayer reflecting on the Seven Privileges of St. Joseph, asking for his intercession, but also seeking to imitate his virtues.


St. Photina


Simplicity in the Desert