Silence and Stillness

Silence and Stillness
Dr. Mike Scherschligt

Dear Children, Pray!

Yesterday, September 2, 2019, Our Lady is reported to have given this message at Medjugorje: Dear children, pray! Pray the Rosary every day—that wreath of flowers which, as a mother, directly connects me with your pains, sufferings, desires, and hopes. Apostles of my love, I am with you through the grace and the love of my Son, and I am asking for prayers of you. The world is in such need of your prayers for souls to be converted. With complete trust, open your hearts to my Son, and in them He will inscribe the summary of His words—which is love. Live in an unbreakable connection with the Most Sacred Heart of my Son. My children, as a mother, I am telling you that it is high time for you to kneel before my Son to acknowledge Him as your God, the centre of your life. Offer gifts to Him—that which He most loves—which is love towards neighbor, mercy, and pure hearts. Apostles of my love, many of my children still do not acknowledge my Son as their God; they have not yet come to know His love. But you, with your prayer pronounced from a pure and open heart, by the gifts which you offer to my Son, will make even the hardest hearts open. Apostles of my love, the strength of prayer pronounced from the heart—a powerful prayer full of love—changes the world. Therefore, my children: pray, pray, pray. I am with you. Thank you.”

Our Weapon

This message at Medjugorje is similar to the August 19 message of Our Lady at Fatima:

·       “Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners; for many souls go to hell, because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them.”

And the message of Our Lady at San Nicolas Argentina in the 1980s

  • “God's warning is over the world. Those who stay in the Lord have nothing to fear, but those who deny what comes from him do. Two-thirds of the world is lost and the other part must pray and make reparation for the Lord to take pity. The devil wants to have full domination over the earth. He wants to destroy. The earth is in great danger."

  • Mary tells us, “The weapon that has the greatest influence on evil is to say the Rosary."

Love Demands the Maximum

We need to pray the Rosary every day and to be Apostles of the Rosary. This is a good start, but Our Lady is urging us to go further into union with Jesus and to help him save souls by our deeper prayer. As a young priest, Angelo Comastri, who today is a cardinal archpriest of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, relates his first encounter and conversation with St. Mother Teresa:

She gave me a Miraculous Medal, put it in my hand, and asked me, “For how much time do you pray each day?” I was astonished and a little embarrassed. Then, gathering my thoughts, I replied, “Mother, I celebrate Holy Mass each day, I pray the Breviary each day…I pray the rosary each day also and very gladly…” Mother Teresa, with her rough hands, clasped the rosary that she always had with her. Then she fixed on me her eyes, which were filled with light and love, and said: “That is not enough, my son! That is not enough, because love cannot be reduced to the indispensable minimum; love demands the maximum!” I did not understand Mother Teresa’s words right away, and, as though to justify myself, I replied, “Mother, I expected from you instead this question: What acts of charity do you do?” Suddenly Mother Teresa’s face became very serious again, and she said in a stern tone of voice: “Do you think that I could practice charity if I did not ask Jesus every day to fill my heart with his love? Do you think that I could go through the streets looking for the poor if Jesus did not communicate the fire of his charity to my heart?”…Enunciating each word, she added: “Read the Gospel attentively, and you will see that Jesus sacrificed even charity for prayer. And do you know why? To teach us that, without God, we are too poor to help the poor!” Sarah, Robert Cardinal. The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise (pp. 46-47). Ignatius Press.

Prayer is Rest

You already have the wrong idea – Like this priest you may say, I already have so much to do that I cannot add anything else. I cannot give more time to prayer. Then I have not taught you the most important truth. Prayer is not one more thing to do. Prayer is Rest. Prayer is to stop, be still, be silent, do nothing and let God work on you, fill you, refresh you, heal and transform you. Jesus said “Come to me, all you who labor and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

God Wants to Give You Rest

In this time of Rest with God we call prayer you can talk to him from the heart, listen to him by reading Scripture or some other book of meditation; you can just be silent and still with him. If you are exhausted, you can fall asleep with him. That is what the Apostles did with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, isn’t it? The most enjoyable times with my kids when they were very small is when they were asleep in my arms. Its also when we grew in the greatest intimacy together. The point is this: God wants to give you rest so that He can fill, transform, heal, strengthen and refresh you – but you never let Him because you fill all your time. Create a space of time for Rest with God. What prevents you from creating this space of time to be silent and still and rest with God?


Vincent DePaul and Divine Providence


Gratitude Flows from Contemplating the Truth