She Has What It Takes

She Has What It Takes
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


Time and time again people tell me that they themselves or others were the last people they every expected to be interested in God or religion or Jesus yet here they are praying the Rosary daily - and they are totally amazed. Well, we should not be surprised – this is the age of Our Lady.

Mary is Our Mother. The unique power of a mother is to unite people and Mary has a special power to unite us to Jesus

To a world that has forgotten God and is headed to self-destruction Mary has been appearing with a greater frequency and urgency, trying to lead her children back to God.

1830 Mary appeared in Paris to St. Catherine Laboure, revealing the Miraculous Medal

Then she appeared in 1846 in LaSalatte, France 

1858 in Lourdes

1871 Pontmain, France,

1879 Knock, Ireland

1917 Fatima, Portugal

1932-33 Beauraing and Banneux, Belgium    

1961-1965 Garabandal Spain (still under investigation)

1968 Zeitoun, Egypt – where over 1 million people saw her at the same time

1973 Akita, Japan

1976 Betania, Venezuela

1980 Nicaragua

1983 San Nicolas, Argentina

1981-83 Kibeho, Rwanda,

From 1981 to the present moment, Mary is reported to be appearing Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina. St. John Paul II commented to the Archbishop of Slovakia, Pavel Hnilca: “Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima, it is the completion of Fatima.” (Slovimir Oder, Why He is a Saint p. 169) 


I was speaking with the president of a small college last night who said many young people are tone deaf to faith. They just can’t seem to hear the message of Jesus. But often People who were not interested or resistant to Jesus or religion or going to Mass, for some reason when they learn that Mary has been appearing, or someone invites them to pray the Rosary, all of a sudden, the lights turn on. For some reason a world that is tone deaf to Jesus is open to Mary. I think it is because the world is such a mess that it needs a mother. Only a Mother can solve this and She has a special power to lead people to Jesus at this time in world history.

Here is the reality – Right now - God wishes to save the world through devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

That is what Our Lady revealed at Fatima

In 1917 Mary appeared to three children in Fatima Portugal over six consecutive months culminating with the miracle of the sun witnessed by more than 70,000 people. In July 1917 she showed the children a vision of hell and then said to them:

You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the World Devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.

She literally has a God given power, the Holy Spirit, to open hearts to receive Jesus. That is what God designed her to do, now you only need to belong to her and lead others to her.


We do not share our faith with others because we know we do not have what it takes to lead people to Jesus. I am the Rosary guy, I have a doctorate in Theology, I can tell you - I don’t have what it takes to lead people to Jesus. My words can’t move anyone! Well, its not about me or about you.

God has given Mary a special power to open the hearts of people and lead them to Jesus. I don’t have the power. She does. Have absolute confidence in Mary, remember it is about her and not about you – and then tell people she has been appearing, send them stuff or give them books or podcasts about her appearances. And share the Rosary podcast with them. And don’t Quit. It’s not about you. We are just the donkey that carries Jesus and Mary. Don’t quit. Remember the young man with the gun…


St Louis de Montfort writes:

God wants his mother to be better known, and to be more loved and honored than she has ever been. And this will be accomplished, if the chosen ones, with the grace and light of the Holy Spirit, take up the practice I will disclose to them in the following pages. Then they will see this lovely Star of the Sea as clearly as their faith permits; and she will guide them into a safe harbor despite all perils. They will know the grandeurs of their sovereign lady. They will consecrate themselves entirely to her, as her subjects, her slaves of love. They will know the delight of her favors, her tenderness, her motherly care. And they will love her as simply as children love their mother. They will realize how much they need her help. They will know the abundance of her mercies. They will go to her in all things as to their dear advocate. They will realize she is the shortest, safest, straightest, easiest route to Jesus; the perfect route. They will deliver themselves to Mary, body and soul, without any reserve, that they may belong in the same manner to her Son.

What will the children of Mary be like? They will be like thunderclouds flying through the air at the slightest breathe of the Holy Spirit. Attached to nothing, surprised at nothing, troubled at nothing…They will thunder against sin…They will strike the devil and his legions with their lightning…They will walk in the footsteps of Christ’s charity, poverty, humility, and contempt of the world. They will show the narrow path to God. They will not be guided by worldly standards, fears, or cares. They will fear no human being, no matter how mighty or fearful he may be. The two-edged sword of the word of God will be carried in their mouths as in a scabbard. Their shoulders will bear the blood-stained standard of the Cross. In their right hands they will hold the Crucifix, and in their left the rosary. The holy names of Jesus and Mary will be written in their hearts. The simplicity and self-sacrifice of Jesus Christ will be reflected in their whole behavior.


What Montfort wrote describes Neil Ludwig 77 of Carroll IA

I want to tell you about Neil Ludwig. I met Neil and his wife Jean when I gave a retreat in 2019 at Domus Trinitatis in Carrol IA – a retreat center called the Home of the Trinity. Neil loved planes and motorcycles and all kinds of adventures. And Neil loved Our Lady. A man after my own heart.

In Oct of 2020 Neil was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of Leukemia. His wife Jean would pray the Rosary Podcast with Neil each night in the hospital and it gave him great peace.  Our Lady took Neil to heaven last Friday May 14.

Mary is the Spiritual Mother of every person in the world because Jesus died for everyone. Like any mother, She wants all her children to go to heaven, but many are not interested in God. So what does Mary do? She asks our help. She is asking her children who are listening, who are willing to offer prayer and sacrifice for those who are not interested. Neil was listening and Neil was willing. He offered his prayer but even more he offered the suffering of this intense aggressive Leukemia for the good of others and this gave him real meaning and purpose that helped him endure. And based on the request and promise of Jesus and Mary – I am certain his love and suffering have helped lead many souls to Jesus. Neil – thank you for answering the call. Pray of us now that we too will answer the call of our Lady!


Marian Docility


The Secret to Consecration to Mary