Separation of Church and State

Separation of Church and State
Dr. Mike Scherschligt


Today we learn about and reflect on integrity and the proper relationship between the Church and the State.

Integrity means that one set of moral principles applies to every area of life. You can’t have one set of beliefs in one area of life and a contradictory set in another. The false idea of a separation of Church and State expects a person to do just this – to have one set of beliefs privately and another publicly. This results in living a double life.

Many people including Catholics are under the illusion that the idea of separation of Church and State is part of our heritage. That is false. It is not in any founding documents or ideas in which our country was 1st established and it is not livable because it leads to living a double life.

It was popularized by a quote by someone else that Thomas Jefferson placed in a private letter. And Washington and Adams opposed him on the idea.

This false idea of the separation of Church and state became prominent in the 20th century when the Supreme Court used it to attack religion in America.

This false idea was never part of who we are which is good because this idea is not livable. If the separation of what you believe and how you live (i.e. the separation of Church and State) were to be put into practice consistently, then every person would have to live a double life. This would result in a lack of integrity. A lack of integrity is when two parts of a person’s life become disconnected. An integrated life is when every part of your life is in harmony with every other part.


To achieve integrity we must not say the Church and State are separated rather we would say the Church and State are distinct but united.  Our religious beliefs and our political beliefs are distinct but they are united.

To live in such a way that our religious and political beliefs are separate is as absurd as saying I believe in monogamy in marriage at home but this belief should not affect my work or leisure time. At home I am a faithful husband. Outside of home can’t let that belief limit my relationships at work or play. That is absurd. But not any more absurd than having one set of beliefs in the Church and another outside the Church.

The separation of Church and State leads to a disintegrated life. A life without integrity where I don’t allow the principles I profess in one area of my life to inform another area of my life.

Yes, work and family life are distinct, but united. I can’t be two different people in two different realms. The same goes for faith and politics. I can’t say in my faith life, as a Catholic I believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death’ and then in my political life go and enact policies that slaughter innocent human life. That means the principles I profess in one area of my life don’t inform another area and that by definition is a lack of integrity. One person being a different person in different areas. For a person to say they keep their religion and politics separate they are proclaiming they have a lack of integrity. It leads a person to lead a double life.


How are the Church and State meant to be united?

The Church and the State are meant to be united in this way – they share many of the same goals. The Church exists to promote the spiritual common good – the salvation of all. The State exists to promote the natural common good – namely health and virtue. These goods have a lot of overlap. For instance, caring for the sick promotes the natural good of health and the spiritual good of the corporal works of mercy.

Education promotes the natural good of intellectual virtue and the spiritual good of openness to the transcendent goods of truth, beauty, and goodness which ultimately is God. This is why both the Church and the State are interested in hospitals and schools.

The State is concerned about preserving peace as a condition for the community to thrive. The Church cares about preserving peace as a condition of charity.

The proper relationship between the Church and state is one of cooperation and mutual support because each is supposed to care about goods that are important to the other. Therefore Catholics can’t be indifferent to civil well-being because too many of our goods are tied up in civil well-being. That is why we must be politically involved. The State is supposed to celebrate and support things like Catholic Education and Hospitals and see the Church as an ally rather than a threat. Because too many of the states goods are tied up in the Church’s well-being.


How are the Church and State distinct?

They are distinct in that the spiritual good is incomparably more important than the natural good. Further, the Church claims to be established and guaranteed by God himself. Whereas the state is only as good as the people who run it. So the Church’s job is not to formulate or implement political policy. But the Church, who is confident in her divine truth and strength is able to effectively resist bad public policy.  When the State loses its way – who will be strong enough to say to the state – this is wrong? Only the Church. When the Church uses the power given to her – the whole world marvels.

In the 4th century a the best chariot driver (ancient Nascar) was arrested and put in prison. His fans demanded his release. The Emperor Theodosis responded by sending his troops to massacre all the people in the stadium at the next races. More than 7000 were murdered – innocent and guilty alike. Soon after the Emperor Theodosis came to the Church for Mass. The Bishop of Milan, Ambrose barred the Emperor from entering the Church until he repented, did public penance and changed the unjust laws in place.

When the Church starts to take a stand against unjust laws of the State the world will at first attack but sooner or later the Church stands firm, the world will marvel. But when the Church becomes worldly, the state loses its greatest support and safeguard against evil.


You and I as Catholics must realize that every time we accept a lack of integrity in our own life – meaning – we live any part of our lives not in conformity with our faith then we are not only betraying God but we are betraying the faithless people around us who need our courageous witness for their conversion and salvation.

Ask yourself – before we condemn Catholic politicians or worldly Church leaders – where do we lack integrity – where do we live a double life and apply double standards – one standard in Church and another outside of it – in the voters booth, the office, the market place, the bedroom, in our bank accounts, while we are on vacation or when we are on our screens.

Find the area where you live least like a son of God and a good Catholic and decide the first step to make a change.


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