Saint Faustina


From 1925 until her death in 1938, St Faustina lived an ordinary life as a cook, gardener and doorkeeper, except for this…she lived in almost continual visual and verbal contact with the spiritual world - Jesus and Mary, angels and demons, and many saints and souls in purgatory

Jesus ordered Faustina to keep a diary of all their conversations to help us learn to Trust in Him because, quite frankly

1.  We live in anxiety, worry and anger because We place our trust in the world rather than in God.

a.  We place our trust in ourselves, other people or the government

b.  None of these can save us from uncertainty

2.  Only God can work all things for good for those who love him

3.  So do what is in your power, entrust the rest to God for he cares for you

4.  The Diary of St Faustina teaches us to Trust in Jesus

About the Diary Jesus said to Faustina: Write down everything that occurs to you regarding My goodness. I answered, “What do You mean, Lord, what if I write too much?” My daughter, be at peace; do as I tell you. Your thoughts are united to My thoughts, so write whatever comes to your mind. You are the secretary of My mercy. I have chosen you for that office in this life and the next life. 1605
At one point, Faustina burned the Diary as she feared she was being deceived by the devil. But Jesus ordered her to rewrite it. He would at times read the notebooks and then say “You have not written everything in the notebook about My goodness towards humankind; I desire that you omit nothing;” 459

The Diary reveals a deep personal friendship between Jesus and Faustina. As I read the Diary, I too was drawn into a deep friendship with Christ. If you read the Diary prayerfully, I’m sure the same will happen to you.


The Image of Divine Mercy

On Feb 22, 1931 Jesus appeared to Faustina

In the evening, when I was in my cell, I saw the Lord Jesus clothed in a white garment. One hand was raised in the gesture of blessing, the other was touching the garment at the breast. From beneath the garment, slightly drawn aside at the breast, there were emanating two large rays, one red, the other pale. In silence I kept my gaze fixed on the Lord: my soul was struck with awe, but also with great joy. After a while, Jesus said to me,

47 Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: “Jesus I trust in You.” I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel and then throughout the world.

(299-301) Jesus explained the meaning of the two rays saying:

The two rays denote Blood and Water.

·       The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. (Baptism and Confession)

·       The red ray stands for the Blood which is the life of souls… (Eucharist)

By means of this Image I shall be granting many graces to souls; so, let every soul have access to it. Diary 570


Trust in the Goodness of God

The mission of Faustina help mankind trust in the Will of God

Oh, how much I am hurt by a soul’s distrust! Such a soul professes that I am Holy and Just, but does not believe that I am Mercy and does not trust in My Goodness. Even the devils glorify My Justice but do not believe in My Goodness. 300

A Fundamental Wound of Original Sin is that

·       We do not Trust in the goodness of God

·       We live in fear, anxiety, worry b/c

·       We don’t trust in God and rely on Him

·       We try to rely only on ourselves – SELF-RELIANCE

I will reveal to you a secret of My Heart…Ingratitude in return for so many graces is My Heart’s constant food… Others distrust My goodness and have no desire to experience that sweet intimacy in their own hearts, but go in search of Me, off in the distance, and do not find Me. This distrust of My goodness hurts Me very much. If My death has not convinced you of My love, what will?...They do not wish to hear My call, but proceed into the abyss of hell. The loss of these souls plunges Me into deadly sorrow. God though I am, I cannot help such a soul because it scorns Me; having a free will, it can spurn Me or love Me. You, who are the dispenser of My mercy, tell all the world about My goodness, and thus you will comfort My Heart. 580

If you trust in Jesus you are safe. If you trust in Jesus then there is no danger which can harm you. Jesus is the All-Powerful, Wise and Good Ruler of the Universe. He guides everything for good for those who trust Him.

When you fee anxiety and fear because of uncertainty or the appearance of danger, say to yourself. Jesus I trust in You. I safe.


Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Jesus revealed this special prayer to Faustina

While I was saying the chaplet, I heard a voice which said, Oh, what great graces I will grant to souls who say this chaplet; the very depths of my tender mercy are stirred for the sake of those who say the chaplet. Write down these words, My daughter. Speak to the world about my mercy; let all mankind recognize my unfathomable mercy. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of My mercy; let them profit from the Blood and Water which gushed forth for them. Diary 848

How to pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy:

Begin with one Our Father, One Hail Mary, and the Apostles Creed

The On the Our Father bead pray  

Eternal Father, I offer you the body and blood, soul and divinity of your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world

On the Hail Mary beads

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion,

Have mercy on us and on the whole world

After five decades pray the concluding doxology three times

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world


March 25, 1937 the Mother of God said to Faustina:

Oh, how pleasing to God is the soul that follows faithfully the inspirations of His grace! I gave the Savior to the world; as for you, you have to speak to the world about His grate mercy and prepare the world for the Second Coming of Him who will come, not as a merciful Savior, but as a just Judge. Oh, how terrible is that day! Determined is the day of justice, the day of divine wrath. The angels tremble before it. Speak to souls about this great mercy while there is still time for granting mercy. If you keep silent now, you will be answering for a great number of souls on that terrible day. Fear nothing. Be faithful to the end. (635)


Angels, Demons, and Us


St. Francis of Assisi